It's the last day of February and like every year I'm surprised with how fast it went. And we even had an extra day in the month because of the Leap Year. We've made some progress on our 2016 reading challenges and we're still working really
hard to stay motivated. In an effort to do so, we're going to do these reading challenge
recaps to hold ourselves accountable. Why are reading goals so hard? Read on to find out how well or
how not well we did this last month!
Gretl's Recap
#Rock My TBR

So I'm not exactly rocking this challenge so far. I read 1 1/2 books I owned in January. In February, I read a couple of shorts. I enjoyed them, but I resented them a little bit for being squeezed in there. I read Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews, which has been lingering on my Kindle since release day, and the Nocturne Falls Valentine's Day story A Vampire's Valentine Surprise by Kristen Painter from the Kiss and Spell anthology.
I have four more ARCs to read and then I will finally be caught up for a while. I hope to make a much more impressive dent in my TBR pile next month. I have some books I'm really excited about. I just have to make time to read them.
Rose Red's Recap
I'm so happy to report that I made my goal of reading at least two books
off my TBR again in February! I read ten TBR books this month! See the picture below for
the ones I read. I'm really happy with my progress on this challenge so far! So far this year, I've knocked a total of sixteen books off Mount ToBeRead so I'm on track to make a huge dent in my pile!
2016 TBR Jar Challenge for January
Read What You Buy
Okay, I'm not doing well with this challenge so far. I fell victim to the Book Outlet President's Day sale which means I bought way more books than normal this month. Thankfully, I've already read some of the books I bought so they don't count for this challenge which is good because I didn't finish any of my pre-orders for this month. Between the Book Outlet binge and my pre-orders, I bought eleven books this month. Umm... That's a lot.
As for how many I read this month, I finished reading The Bands of Mourning that I bought last month. I did start my pre-order of A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab but didn't get it finished because of a major book hangover from binge reading The Raven Cycle books. I did read all of the Mercy Thompson comics I bought this month. So far I'm only at 32% (6/19) for this year but that percentage should increase drastically in March as I've already read all but two of my pre-orders for next month!