This last year I've been doing something different with how I've been choosing books outside of my auto-buy authors. Towards the end of last year, I had read four different synopses and each one spoiled me for major plot points/twists in each book. It was so frustrating! And it made it so I enjoyed those books less than I would have if I could have discovered those plot twists on my own. Big twists and surprises really enhance my reading experience
and I often bump up ratings because of a good twist at the end of a book
or a surprising moment that I just really didn’t see coming. I hate feeling robbed of that experience when a synopsis spoils me.
So, I decided this year that I wouldn't really read any synopses and just go on word of mouth of my friends and bloggers I trust in the community. I've been picking up books with only a vague idea of what they're about
and it's been working for me. I went into each book not knowing what they were about or just knowing
the short descriptions my friends used to convince me to pick them up. And because of that, I've read so many great books I wouldn't have if I'd been just reading the synopses like Witchmark.
I've also been focusing on reading books some of my favorite authors recommend either by giving them a blurb or by pushing them on social media. I've devoured a ton of great books like The Murderbot Diaries because of this. I've picked up a few weird ones, some meh ones, and a few where I loved parts of them like the worldbuilding, romance, and the characters but not the actual plot. *sideeyes Gail Carriger's Worth a Shot recommendation*
I've found that I wholeheartedly trust some authors like Victoria Schwab and Ilona Andrews and have loved everything they've recommended. They haven't steered me wrong yet. Brandon Sanderson's recs are usually pretty good as are Gail Carriger's. Although, every once in a while they give one out that I don't like but that hasn't happened very often.
Overall, I've had really great luck with both of these methods. My average rating for this year of 4.37 Stars which means I've read some awesome books this year and have expanded my must read authors list!
Do you like to go into books blind too? Why or why not?
Also, do you read books recommended by your favorite authors?
Which author's opinion do you trust the most?
I've also been focusing on reading books some of my favorite authors recommend either by giving them a blurb or by pushing them on social media. I've devoured a ton of great books like The Murderbot Diaries because of this. I've picked up a few weird ones, some meh ones, and a few where I loved parts of them like the worldbuilding, romance, and the characters but not the actual plot. *sideeyes Gail Carriger's Worth a Shot recommendation*
I've found that I wholeheartedly trust some authors like Victoria Schwab and Ilona Andrews and have loved everything they've recommended. They haven't steered me wrong yet. Brandon Sanderson's recs are usually pretty good as are Gail Carriger's. Although, every once in a while they give one out that I don't like but that hasn't happened very often.
Overall, I've had really great luck with both of these methods. My average rating for this year of 4.37 Stars which means I've read some awesome books this year and have expanded my must read authors list!
Do you like to go into books blind too? Why or why not?
Also, do you read books recommended by your favorite authors?
Which author's opinion do you trust the most?
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