I love rereading my favorite books. Rereading feels like meeting an old friend you haven't seen for awhile out of the blue. I feel like I find something new each time I read a book and I love that! But not all my favorites are created equal. There a few series/books that I reread way more than the rest of my books. So today's list is going to be about those. :)

1. The Psy-Changeling Series by Nalini Singh
2. The Wayfarers Series by Becky Chambers

3. The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley

4. The Mercy Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs

5. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

6. The Whyborne & Griffin Series by Jordan L. Hawk

7. The Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews

8. Vicious by V.E. Shwab

9. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

10. The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede
What are your favorite books to reread?
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