Friday, February 5, 2016

Reading Challenge Recap: January 2016

January is over! Can you believe it? It seems like we were just celebrating the New Year and figuring out all of our reading resolutions for 2016. The ladies of Goldilox and the Three Weres are working really hard to stay motivated so we can achieve all of our reading goals this year. In an effort to do so, we're going to do these reading challenge recaps to hold ourselves accountable. Read on to find out how well or how not well we did this last month!

Gretl's Recap

Coastal Magic Featured Author Challenge

I failed at this challenge in a pretty big way. The goal was to read 17 books by authors on the featured author list and I wound up with 11. That might not sound that bad, but the real reason I consider it a failure is that I never got around to reading the new-to-me authors that I wanted to try from the list. I just had too many time-sensitive review books the last few months to squeeze them in. I actually have Mercury Striking and the prequel novella by Rebecca Zanetti checked out from the library and didn't get to read them before the deadline.

Here are the authors I did read for the challenge:
Deborah Blake
Veiled MagicWickedly Dangerous (Baba Yaga, #1)Wickedly Wonderful (Baba Yaga, #2)Wickedly Ever After (Baba Yaga, #2.5)Wickedly Powerful (Baba Yaga #3)

Jennifer Estep
Dark Heart of Magic (Black Blade, #2)Bitter Bite (Elemental Assassin, #14)

Kristen Painter
The Professor Woos The Witch  (Nocturne Falls, #4)The Vampire’s Fake Fiancée (Nocturne Falls, #5)The Witch's Halloween Hero (Nocturne Falls, #4.5)Hex the Halls 

#Rock My TBR

Again, this was not my greatest success story. I was supposed to read at least one book I already owned in the month of January. I started one so it counts, right? I have a lot of series on my TBR that I plan to binge so I hope to make up for the rough start later in the year. My January read is Steal the Sky by Megan E. O'Keefe.


Rose Red's Recap


I'm so happy to report that I made my goal of reading at least two books off my TBR in January! I read six last month! See the picture below for the ones I read. Granted, four of them were not very big books. But I'm still happy with my progress on this challenge so far! I am on track to make a good-sized dent in Mount ToBeRead!

2016 TBR Jar Challenge for January

This month's TBR Jar Challenge was Read A Book With 500+ Pages! The book that completed this challenge was The Marvels by Brian Selznick and it came in at 665 pages! I adored it so much and you all need to read it! I wrote a review on the other site I blog at if you want to know more of my thoughts on it. You can find that post here.

Read What You Buy

Okay, I'm not doing well with this challenge so far. I bought eight physical books last month. Four of these I bought for book events, two I bought new from Amazon, and the other two I bought used at my local used bookstore for less than $8 for nice hardcovers! Staked is actually still in transit to my house because my friend, Mark, got my copy signed by the author at one of the tour stops.

As for how many I read this month, the answer would be two but I'm more than half way through two more. I finished Staked and The Marvels and I'm currently reading The Bands of Mourning and Truthwitch. I'm going to be buddy reading American Gods in April with my friend, Kritika, so I'm not worried that I haven't read it yet. As for Passenger, I Am Princess X, and The Invention of Hugo Cabret, I'll be getting to them real soon hopefully! I'm only at 25% (33% if you count my two half read books as one) for this challenge so far but that percentage should increase a lot this next month!

How did you do on your reading challenges this month?

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