Monday, August 26, 2013

Coastal Magic Featured Author Spotlight and Giveaway - Sandy Williams!

If you've been following this blog you probably know that I will be a Featured Blogger at the Coastal Magic Convention again this year (formerly called Olde City New Blood) and I'm really excited to meet more author and bloggers and have even more fun this year!

Coastal Magic Convention
Daytona Beach, FL
Feb. 6 - 9, 2014

Bloggers will be featuring the authors attending this con from now to the when the con takes place in February so keep an eye out for posts and giveaways from the Featured Authors over the next few months!

Today I'm featuring one of my favorite authors:

Sandy Williams

The Shadow Reader (Shadow Reader, #1) The Shattered Dark (Shadow Reader, #2) The Sharpest Blade (Shadow Reader, #3)

I asked Sandy to tell us the top 5 things she is looking forward to about the Coastal Magic Convention!

First, I want to say thanks so much, Christen, for having me on your blog. I am so, so excited to meet you in person! And I’m looking forward to this conference in general. It’ll be my first small, reader-oriented conference. I’ve been to the Romantic Times convention twice now, but that con is HUGE, and there are so many different genres represented there it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. I like that Coastal Magic Con is much smaller than that and paranormal oriented.

What are the other things I’m looking forward to? The top five are below!

1. Laser-tag: 
Is it wrong that this is what pushed me over the edge and made me decide to go to this conference? It’s silly, I know! But ever since watching How I Met Your Mother, I’ve wanted to play some serious, Barney-style laser-tag. I want to geek out on it and pretend to be all special-forces-y, which means, of course, that I’ll probably be shot within the first twenty seconds! (Oh, look! Laser-tag with me is sold out! *fist pump* Who’s doing it Barney-style with me? (Um, did that sound weird?))

2. Fangirling about books: 
I love books - which is probably a good thing since I write them - but in my real life, I don’t have any friends who love urban fantasy and romance fiction as much as I do. My husband is a reader, but he’s into the long, epic fantasy novels (which I am, too, I just don’t read them very often because I crave romance) Plus, the husband doesn’t really “fangirl.” *grin* A couple of my other friends read and enjoy books, but they don’t go crazy over them either. I’m dying to to talk about my favorite books with people who love them as much as I do.

3. Breakfasts with an Author: 
I signed up to be available for breakfast every morning, I think. It’s not just because I like to eat. I think it’s an awesome way to get to know readers, and for readers to get to know authors and each other. I might actually remember names this way! (I’m so horrible at remembering them.) As of right now, there are a few spaces left if you want to sign up for breakfast with me or with the other authors. (Register here:

4. Meet & Greets: 
I’m attending this conference to meet readers (and bloggers!), and that’s the thing I’m looking forward to the most. I love book people. I love hearing about what they’re reading, who their favorite authors are, and what they’re looking forward to reading next. It’s also nice to meet people who’ve read the Shadow Reader books. I’m always floors me when anyone tells me they’ve read it, and I do cartwheels (inside my head; otherwise, I’d most certainly break something).

5. Meeting bloggers: 
I loooove bloggers, and I’m pretty much fascinated by them. They get to read so many books, and they’re able to write about their impressions of those books in a thoughtful and entertaining way. If I wasn’t an author - and if I could write a review that wasn’t giddy, fangirl babbling - I’d be a book blogger, so I’m really looking forward to putting faces with names!

Thanks Sandy!

Enter to win your choice of one of the Shadow Reader books!
The Shadow Reader (Shadow Reader, #1) The Shattered Dark (Shadow Reader, #2)
US/CAN only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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