The year is almost over! But we before wave goodbye, we're looking back at some of our favorite books of 2016. Ten days of top tens continues with the Top Ten Authors We Discovered in 2016.

We all probably have at least one author that it seems like everyone else is talking about but we're just out of the loop. All three of us here on the blog picked up some new-to-us authors this year though. Here are our favorite 2016 discoveries:

Rose Red: I've been collecting Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed series for a while now but I Had never gotten around to reading them. I finally marathoned the first six books I had on my kindle this year. I ended up buying the rest of the series because I was so invested in what was happening. I devoured all 14 books in a week and a half. I can't wait to see what happens in this series next!

Gretl: I loved the world of The Leopard King so much I think I posted about it everywhere. I'm really excited for The Demon Prince, book two in the series, which I think is out in the next few months. But I hope I also get a chance to pick up more Ann Aguirre in 2017. Her Sirantha Jax series has been on my wishlist for years.

Gretl: I talked about Moonshadow already in my series starters post. Since I finished it, I've also read the first two books in the Elder Races series. I plan on continuing to binge that one very soon so look for more Thea Harrison coming up on the blog in the new year.
Amie Kaufman
Goldilox: When I started Illuminae I had already read two other books by one of the authors, Jay Kristoff. However, Amie Kaufman was completely new to me. I don't know how they worked together or how they split up the writing duties, but I am super excited to check out Amie Kaufman's other books now! I thoroughly enjoyed Illuminae, as well as it's sequel Gemina, and I'm so happy to add another author to my list of favorites!
Sarah J. Maas
Goldilox: This year I finally jumped on the Throne of Glass bandwagon...and boy has it been a wild ride! I had heard very mixed reviews about this series so I'd put off reading it for a while and now I sincerely regret that. I binge read all the books in this series over a few months and I'm salivating for the final book in this series. This series is now one of my favorites of all time!

Rose Red: I had actually never heard of the Captive Prince books until about February of this year when all of sudden several of my Twitter friends were gushing about the series. I heard just enough that I was intrigued. I borrowed the books from my library and binge read the whole trilogy over a weekend. They were seriously addicting and unputdownable. I'm so sad that there will be no more books in the series. The author mentioned on Twitter that she's working on a YA series and you can bet that I'll be all over that once it's released!
Beth Revis
Goldilox: I have never read Beth Revis' young adult sci-fi series, despite the fact that it fits more into my typical reading habits than this contemporary. So it's kind of funny that A World Without You, a YA contemporary about a boy who thinks he has fantasy abilities, became one of my favorite reads of the year!
Goldilox: I have never read Beth Revis' young adult sci-fi series, despite the fact that it fits more into my typical reading habits than this contemporary. So it's kind of funny that A World Without You, a YA contemporary about a boy who thinks he has fantasy abilities, became one of my favorite reads of the year!

Rose Red: I don't usually read books like Brian Selznick's even though they're comprised of two things I love: graphic novels and full-length novels. I was in my library looking through the new additions display and The Marvels caught my eye. I devoured the book as soon as I got home and I adored it! I then proceeded to buy and read all of his backlist. They were all amazing! I can't wait to see what kind of story he decides to tell next.

Rose Red: I KNOW! I can't believe I had never read her books before this year either! The Raven Cycle is one of those series that I've been collecting ever since the cover of the first book caught my eye in the store and I was intrigued enough by the premise to buy it. This year I decided it was time to finally start the series. Why did I wait so long to read them? I devoured the first three books in four days and I adored them all! It made waiting two months for the last book torture. I adored that one too. I can't wait to dive into her other books. I'm thinking my next one will be The Scorpio Races.
Gretl: I started with a freebie find, Hungry Like the Wolf, and wound up with a full on shifter binge including the 4 SWAT books and 5 in Tyler's X-Ops series. I'm auto-buying both from now on because they're so much fun.
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