Friday, October 28, 2016

Goldilox and the Three Scares: Gretl's Guide to Halloween Streaming

It's one of our favorite times of year! Leaves are falling, Halloween decorations are going up and we're all eating way too much candy. That means it's also time for one of our favorite events:

All this week we, and some of our favorite authors, have been talking about what to read for Halloween. Well, blasphemous as it sounds, sometimes I just don't feel like reading. My solution for those occasions: a Netflix binge. So here are some of my favorite shows that you can find on Netflix to get you in the Halloween mood this weekend.

Penny Dreadful PosterPenny Dreadful: Vampires, witches and demons, plus Dr. Frankenstein and Dorian Grey. This show is dark and bloody and perfect for Halloween. Plus the series just ended so you binge the entire thing this weekend.

Haven Poster

Haven: I might have mentioned (about 100 times) how much I love spooky small town stories. Haven, Maine is one of those quirky towns where the residents have what they call "troubles." They're a little like super powers but most of them go horribly wrong leaving the police, the main characters, to deal with the aftermath.

iZombie PosteriZombie: It's a little like putting in a Halloween costume when zombie Liv Moore becomes a different character in every episode, though she does it by eating the brains of murder victims. Then she works with her detective friend to catch their killers. If you're in the mood for something lighter, this show's funny and odd and lots of fun.

Lost Girl Poster

Lost Girl: The first two seasons of the show especially are mostly creature of the week stories, perfect for Halloween. The Fae include all kinds of unique and interesting creatures, both good and evil. And I love BFFs Bo and Kenzi.

Buffy: The Halloween episodes have always been some of my all time faves. If you don't want to marathon all seven seasons this weekend, check out "Halloween," episode 6 from season 2, and season 4 episode 4, "Fear, Itself." Or if you want to be thoroughly creeped out try season 4 episode 10, "Hush" which features The Gentlemen.

(If you don't have Netflix, you might try Teen Wolf, True Blood or Twin Peaks on Amazon Prime. Or check out Constantine and Pushing Daisies on CWSeed.)

Those are my picks for getting in the Halloween mood this weekend.
Tell me yours in the comments!

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