Even before I started blogging, I was a big fan of Vampire Book Club's Alpha Showdown, the annual competition that pits our favorite paranormal characters against each other to see who's the bigger badass. But now I actually get to champion an Alpha.
This year I'm all about Mercy Thompson from Patricia Briggs's Mercy Thompson series. Thanks to everyone who voted in round 5! Mercy made it to the next level.

In round 9, Marcy's taking on Kane Malloy from Lindsey J. Pryor's Blackthorn series. He's the vampire who defeated top-ranked Jane Yellowrock in round 1. So Mercy's going to need all the help she can get.
Being the best Alpha should be about who's the best leader, the toughest fighter, the biggest badass, not about looks or sex appeal. It's about time for a woman to win it!

Round 9 voting is open today and tomorrow. Please take a minute to vote for Mercy!