Saturday, April 2, 2016

Superweek Spotlight: The Shatter Me Trilogy by Tahereh Mafi

Welcome to the first ever Superweek at Goldilox and the Three Weres, an entire week devoted to superheroes, supervillains, and superpowers! As part of our celebration of all things super, we're highlighting some of our favorite Super Reads that we've featured on the blog.


This series has one of the most unique and unusual writing styles I've ever read. Mafi gives us the main character, Juliette's, stream of consciousness, with or without periods and including those things you think or want to say but you keep to yourself or change at the last minute. And when Juliette changes her mind about something that thought gets crossed out. I originally thought it would be annoying but it ended up being really interesting. The thing I loved as the series progressed is that the crossed out sentences get fewer and fewer until they're gone. The beautiful thing is that they disappear as Juliette gets more confident and sure of herself. So it became a way to measure her character growth and I loved it so much!

For a series about teens with powers, there's not really a lot of action. This series has always been more about Juliette's self-discovery, her inner thoughts, her feelings for Adam and Warner, and her desperation to be something more. It's not an action packed urban fantasy. This is Juliette's story. With that said, there is a war going on throughout the series and enough of that action is shown for us to understand the fighting and the battles. We see Juliette gain control and learn how to use her powers throughout the series and by the end I loved seeing her confidence in herself and her ability.

This series is a beautifully written coming-of age story and I think the way it ended was perfect and complete. There is quite a love triangle and I must say that I didn't completely hate it. I'd recommend picking up the two novellas for this series as well because they provide you quite a bit of insight into the two love interests.

For more on this book, check out this post:

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