Welcome to a feature I'm going to post on Mondays called:
Read This F@!%ing Book!
This is a feature for me to push my favorite reads that just aren't getting enough attention!
I'm also opening it up to anyone who would like to guest post. Do you have a book that you just LURVED but feel like its not getting the play it deserves? Email me to let me know and I'd be THRILLED to have you post about it here! Especially if its something I haven't reviewed yet - that's even better (but not necessary)! If you're interested email me:
This week's post comes from our very own:
Rose Red!
This week's post comes from our very own:
Rose Red!
Read This F@!%ing Book Post 53: Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
(Click book cover to go to Goodreads page)
You know when you read one of those books you never knew you wanted until you actually read it? That was Illuminae for me. I went into it with high expectations because you have to be hiding under a rock in the book blogging Twitter community to not have heard the praises about this book. I wasn't even planning on reading it until some of my trusted blogging friends read it and were raving about it. It also helped that the Amazon preorder price was under $10. It blew my socks off! The book I hadn't wanted to read ended up being my favorite book of 2015. It's brilliant! And let me tell you why.
Three Cheers for Epistolary Books!
I've been a fan of epistolary novels ever since I got hooked on the Dear America books in middle school and have always loved finding more of them to read. This book takes the idea of an epistolary novel and takes it to a whole new level!
It is written like a dossier file of a big event. It's all hacker-retrieved secondhand accounts of said event strung together to form a picture of what happened and it does the job amazingly! The format includes emails, interviews, medial reports, IMs, and so much more! You all need to see the design of this book! The design team did a fantastic job on it! Seriously. They deserve a slow clap. I'm a total advocate of ebooks and have personally gone mostly digital in my reading but this is a book you'll want to a physical copy of. Don't believe me? Let me present Exhibit A and I'll let you decide.
Let Me Use Gifs and Reaction Screenshots to Convince You To Read This Book!
I really have no words to describe this book. In fact, what I wrote on Goodreads and my status updates are the best I can do. It seriously took me forever to write that review and it's mostly my reaction to finishing this book. I may not be able to put a coherent review together but I do have gifs. Seriously. This was pretty much me while reading this book.
Seriously. Go read this book ASAP! If you want a more wordsier review, go and check out my friend, Nikki's excellent review here.
Have you read this book?
Did we persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Let us know in the comments below!
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