
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge: End of January wrap-up!

Welcome back paranormal lovers! This is the end of January wrap-up for the 2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge! For those not yet signed up, you can check out the details HERE!

For each end of month wrap up, follow these directions:

1. When you post a review for a book that meets this challenge's rules, make sure to include a label for this challenge.
2. Go click on the label and it will take you to the page with all of your reviews for this challenge.
3. Copy and paste the address for that label page as the URL on the linky.

Then we can all check out your reviews for this challenge so far!!!

And as a thank you for participating in this challenge, all participants can enter into a special giveaway to win:

No, in case you're wondering, this book doesn't meet the requirements for this challenge, I just thought it would make for a good giveaway prize!!!

You can still enter the reading challenge by clicking on the link at the beginning of the post!

 Leave your info on the Linky and then enter on the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

I love to read comments!