
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Follow Friday (21)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:

Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?

This question is tricky for me. Some of the genres I used to avoid like the plague I now love. I used to think cheesy paranormal romance would never grace my bookshelf........until I fell in love with Cat and Bones and the Demonica series. I never though I would cave to the pretty covers and read YA........until I fell in love with Shatter Me and Anna Dressed in Blood.

So, you see my predicament. Currently I avoid:

Contemporary books/romances
(Yuck, boring, give me something more! If no one is tormented by the fact that they shift into a furry being at night or lovers aren't kept apart by someone's secret supernatural powers........then it's not for me!)

(see above)

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. New follower! I also loathe romance books. Looking forward to your reviews.

  2. So far it's obvious that you, Mariya and I are friends based on our answers to this one alone!;)

  3. I don't really like non-fiction too! A new follower! :)

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

    Here is my FF

  4. Hey, good answer. I used to be strictly YA fanatic until Cat and Bones, and Mac and Barrons. I'm trying to get into YA contemporary, I recently read Before I fall by Lauren Oliver and it was AMAZING, you should check it out. New follower, have a wicked awesome weekend =D
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  5. Hopping through. I'm so like you. Many of the books and genres that I used to hate are now some of my favorites.
    My Hop

  6. You don't like contemporary? Have you tried plunging into the Fuentes brothers books??? They're soo good :))) Simone Elkeles is the author, Perfect Chemistry is the series. Check them out, you might get to love them ;)

    New follower :)

    My #FF

  7. I think it's quite the same thing for me, so I can understand.

    I'm a follower

    here is mine

  8. I'm definitely the same when it comes to non-fiction and memoirs. Not enough paranormal for me! Unless of course a vamp or werewolf decided to publish their life story, that may get me interested in the genre =)

    Old Follower
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
    My FF

  9. I am very picky about my contemporary reads. They need something extra like great comedy or drama to grab my interest. I love that you are willing to try new genres though.

    Old follower.


  10. It's good to try new genres,have a good Friday!

  11. Yeah, contemp in YA is not my favorite to read. New follower! My FF Post

  12. Hi! I'm a new follower!!! I can't wait to read more on your blog!!!! :)

    Haha yeah, I like romances, but I don't like them to be TOO mushy gushy; the more realistic the better! :)

  13. Hi new follower . I love love love Shatter Me .... if you wanna follow back :)

  14. Love your blog! New follower! And great answer :)

    My FF

  15. Too funny - I'd like to worry about turning furry!! :-) I agree w/ finding something great in unsuspecting genres, too. I'm a new GFC. My ff is here: Colorimetry

  16. Hello, loved your comment here.. new follower and looking forward to reading more here...

  17. I know what you mean Christen.I generally don;t real anything without paranormal these days apart from Historical romances.


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