
Sunday, January 29, 2012

In My Mailbox (20)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren

Here's what I got in my mailbox this week!

This will be a monster post this week! I didn't do an IMM last week plus I received some AWESOME books the last two here we go........


(Annabelle Lee #2)
Stacey Jay

This was one of those ARCs that I ran in from the mailbox and ripped open and then did a little happy dance! I loved the first book in this series, Dead on the Delta, and I am SUPER excited to read #2!!! Also, keep a lookout for a special event I am helping host involving this series........that's all I'll say for now.  :)

(His Fair Assassin #1)
Robin LaFevers

Yep, be jealous! I received an ARC of this book this week as part of a blog tour. I just started it last night!



(Partials #1)
Dan Wells

Sara Wilson Etienne

Sooooooo, I won the big end-of-year giveaway by Epic Reads!!! I won 50 books published by HarperTeen!!! I was totally at a loss for words when I found out! They asked about the genres of books I like and authors I'm interested in, and then sent me some AWESOME books! Of course, I chronicled myself opening the boxes as they came........why not?

Just so we're clear, I'm not bragging! I know that you guys can understand my level of excitement!  :)
I'm not going to list ALL the books I won because, wow that would take a while. I'll just show the ones I was the MOST excited about!


(the ENTIRE Wicked Lovely series!)

Okay, I'm finally done with the world's longest IMM post ever!!!

Things to Check Out:
The Young Adult Giveaway Hop!
Enter to win

Join the 2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge! 
Check it out and sign up 

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. Oh my goodness. Lucky you! Congrats! That's so awesome. I hope you enjoy them all! Should keep you going for a while ;)

  2. OMG that is lots and lots of books to read!!
    Amazing haul!!!
    My In My Mail Box

  3. Holy crap, I would be like in heaven if I won those. That is amazingly awesome. Congrats!

  4. Book heaven! This looks great.

    Happy Readings!

    -Marybeth P.

  5. Thats soo awesome!! Big Congrats!! I won once from Harper for 7 books:) HarperCollins is awesome!!

  6. Congrats on winning that AWESOME giveaway! I hope you enjoy reading all those lovely books :)

    Here is my IMM for this week...

  7. Congrats on suh an amazing win! I know I would have been bouncing off the walls if you'd won that ! :)) Enjoy all your reads!

  8. waaouh congrats it's awesome you're so lucky! Now you have many books to read lol. I'm very curious about Blood on the Bayou, can't wait to read your review about it.

    My IMM

  9. *jaw drop* And I was happy when I won 13 from MiraINK in December! Gosh! Lucky girly! :D
    And Blood on the Bayou is on its' way? Awesome! I still have Dead on the Delta to read but I'm really itching to get started now, it sounds SO GOOD! :)

    Once Upon A Time

  10. HOLY COW! I can't imagine the level of happy dance you must have done when you won all those books!!! Congrats :-D

  11. Wow, congrats. I would faint with shock and joy at that. I love the cover for Grave Mercy. I got Starcrossed too.
    My IMM

  12. Congrats! I'm completely jealous, but I'm happy that you won! Enjoy all of those books!! (:

    My IMM

  13. congrats! i'm really happy for you ( but a bit jalous too^^;;)

    all the best and ENJOY!

  14. omg just wow wow wow lol I can't think of words

  15. Oh gosh you just blew me away I just started out and this kind-of stunned me! Great catch, and happy, happy reading :)
    *new follower*

    My IMM:

  16. I'm still in shock! That is awesome (only tinged with mild envy).

    Happy Reading!

  17. HOLY SMOKES! That is SO awesome. :o Best win ever? Lol. Wow. I see sooooo much awesomeness in there! You have a lot of reading to do. ;) Hahha. Hope you enjoy!

    My IMM!

  18. WOW. 50 books from Harper Collins? This is amazing. Hope you enjoy them!
    Happy Reading!
    My IMM post
    A Beautiful Madness

  19. *faint* Holy smokes, that's a lot of books! I'm so jealous of you right now! I hope you enjoy those fabulous titles!

  20. That's an amazing haul! I see quite a few books there that I wouldn't mind reading myself!

    By the way, "Grave Mercy" is a really good book. I read it a while ago and enjoyed it quite a bit. Hope you like it too.

  21. Congrats on that great win! I'm sure you'll be busy reading for a while!

    My IMM

  22. What an awesome haul! Congrats on the contest win! I'd probably just sit and stare at all of them for a while! ;)

  23. I am so incredibly jealous Christen. I hope you have a great time reading them. I don't know how I missed this post before.

  24. Oh Books! That is so cool! Congrats and yes, I am jealous too!


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