
Friday, January 6, 2012

Follow Friday (19)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:

Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?

LOL! I knew I should have waited till morning to look at the Feature and Follow for this here I am after midnight counting books........

Here's the damage:

Print books on bookshelf: 61
Books on Kindle: 40

Ummmmmmm........that is a bigger amount than I was expecting!!! That's 101 books all together!
And while we're talking about books we need to read........why not throw a few more on the pile (can't hurt, right?). I just posted a reading challenge that I would love for YOU to join! It is for reading 2012 releases of adult paranormal and fantasy books. Check it out and sign up (you know you want to........)!


  1. Hopping through. 100 seems to be a pretty common number. I'm hoping I can get my list down soon and then buy more.
    My Hop

  2. That's not to bad. Seeing everybodies numbers makes me feel better about mine because it seems to be so much smaller then everyone elses.

    New follower. You can see my FF here! =D

  3. Old follower hopping through.

    I like seeing that others have a lot of books on their tbr piles too.

    If you get chance here is my FF

  4. New follwer and avid reader. I have 355 books in my TBR pile. Not counting those on my kindle.

  5. 101 is an okay amount! I feel better when I see people have the same or higher number of books than I do!

  6. Hi, just stopping by from the hop and I following you. (: I actually joined the 2012 reading challenge in order to keep my TBR pile under control.

    Have a great weekend!!!!

    My FF:
    ♥ Book nerds are pretty too

  7. Just hopping by. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! *New Follower* Enjoy your reads!
    Olivia @ The Reading Enchantress

  8. ;) That's nothing! I knew mine would be high..I never imagined it'd be as bad as it was though!

    Thanks for stopping by LIO!

  9. new follower!!

    Wow that's a lot of books!! I have a bunch to read as well and I hope I can get it down so I can buy more books!!

    Happy Friday and check out my follow Friday!!

  10. 101 books, that's a great number! Thanks for hopping by today, have a great weekend!

  11. 296 on the shelves.....and not even going there on the Kindle!

  12. I have about 80 on the shelves and about 40 on Kindle. Yikes!

  13. You moved me to count the books on my shelf :) I have the same as you, 61. But I have yet to look on my Kindle. I better get a move on!

  14. I have so many more ebooks, I must have around 400-500 ebooks lol. But only 130 real books.

    old follower

    Mine is here

  15. Good numbers there, I agree with you about there being a book hoarders show, that would be so funny. And yes, I'm sure many of us other book bloggers and addicts would be first in line to accept more books :) Thanks for stopping by my FF! Book Savvy Babe


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