
Sunday, January 8, 2012

In My Mailbox (18)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren

Here's what I got in my mailbox this week!


(Gods and Monters #1)
Kelly Keaton

So Barnes and Noble got me again! They emailed out a coupon for 50% off Teen/Young Adult of course I bought some! For some reason they shipped two separate boxes and the other box hasn't come yet. But this is what came in box one! Did you guys know that the author, Kelly Keaton, is really Kelly Gay!?!?!?!? She writes an adult urban fantasy series that I love - the Charlie Madigan series. When I found that out I just HAD to buy this one!


(Newsoul #1)
Jodi Meadows

Jill Hathaway

(Under the Never Sky #1)
Veronica Rossi

Did you know these three books are available on Netgalley? I sure didn't. I was very excited to discover that they were!


Rhiannon's Law (#1 and #2)
J.A. Saare

Yay for R.A.K.! Barbara from Basia's Bookshelf gifted both of these books to me on my Kindle. I'm SUPER excited to read this series because all my friend on Goodreads have been raving over it, so thank you again Barbara!

Please join the 2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge! 
Check it out and sign up 

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. Those are good looking reads.

    I rec'd a box of mixed books from Urban Girl Reads, 'A Touch of Power' from Jeanz Book Read N Review, $25 GC from 'Miki's Hope, 'Eat Pray Love' and 'Kite Runner' from Books On Deck, and a signed 'Khantara' bookmark from Moonlight Gleam. Very thankful for such a good week.

  2. I would love to read the JA Saare books, I've heard so great things about them. Enjoy!

    My IMM

  3. You got a lot of books that I need to really check out! You should let me know if Under the Never Sky is good. I'm kinda in the the middle in if I wanna read that one or not.

    My IMM
    Mystifying Paranormal Reviews

    1. Mariya, will you please message me on Goodreads and let me know if you get a notification that your comment was replied to? Lol, stupid I know, but I'm testing this new system. Thank you lady! :)

    2. I didn't get one. I just checked b/c of what your said on FB. I think you have to subscribe to the comments by email. Which sucks. I'm gonna look in Blogger Settings. I'll get back to you.

    3. Christen! Comment on here for me! I wanna check something! I think at the bottom the right to Preview there is a subscribe by email button. I pressed it and it said that other comments from this disscussion will be sent to my email. So maybe that's how.

    4. Okay, did you get a notification for this reply?

    5. Yeah! I got an email! So if you start a discussion on here just go down to where Publish and Preview is and to the right is ----> Subscribe

      and you should get emails for that discussion. ;)

  4. I want Darkness Becomes Her also. It sounds great. I can't wait to see your review of it.

    Great IMM!


  5. You will love Incarnate!! its soo good! Slide and Under the Never Sky looks awesome!!

  6. Great novels. I cannot wait to read UNDER THE NEVER SKY and INCARNATE!


    -Marybeth P.

  7. Incarnate and Under the Never Sky were both amazing. Hope you enjoy them. Happy Reading!
    My IMM post
    A Beautiful Madness

  8. Great mailbox, darling! I've just finished The Renfield Sydrome and it was absolutely insane :)) Rhiannon laws rock! Enjoy all your books!

  9. B&N got me with that coupon too! Enjoy Darkness Becomes Her. It's a great novel. :)

  10. I really liked Darkness Becomes Her but I haven't read any of her adult books. I do have The Better Part of Darkness on my Kindle. I did just pre-order the sequel to Darkness Becomes Her though.

    I am staying away from NetGalley until I read the review books I already have. I just can't add any more to the stack for a while. I hope you enjoy all the ones you got. Happy reading!

  11. I'm really looking forward to reading Under the Never Sky. It really sounds like my kind of book.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I really like your setup and the name is very clever!

    Andrea (New Follower)

  12. I'm digging all of these books! I LOVED Darkness Becomes Her, it's really good. Enjoy!!
    New follower. =)

    -Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction

  13. Those all look awesome, enjoy all your new books! I look forward to your reviews!

  14. Thanks for commenting at This looks like a great haul too! new follower via NetworkedBlogs and twitter. Happy reading!

    Veronica @

  15. Wow, so many great books this week! Hope you enjoy them all :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. Great books! I've already read Under The Never Sky and I'm getting ready to review it. LOVED it!
    Yes, this is my first time reading the Chicagoland Vampires. My blog is MG/YA and I had someone assure me it was tame. I feel it is tame enough compared to some of the things I've read. I'm doing some YA crossover into adult that would fit into the college age crowd and I'm hoping this series will still fit in with it.

    I'll consider the Paranormal signup. I signed up for a Just Contemps where I have to read 50 books so I want to be careful about what I sign up for.


  17. Nice haul. Incarnate sounds really good, I have that on my "to read" list.

  18. I JUST got Slide, so that'll be in next week's IMM :D I'm so excited to read it ,heard great things about it! Hope you enjoy all ofyour books, Under the Nver Sky looks amazing, it's definitely one I want to read!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog - I'm still thinking about joining your challenge, haven't decided if I'm going to join any at all this year or just do personal ones. :)

    Have a great week!
    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  19. Okay, I'm seriously in love with YOUR copy of Darkness Becomes Her. THAT. COVER. I'm so in love.

    And I'm jealous of your getting Incarnate. I seriously hope I get to read it soon! *pouts*

    Still, AWESOME mailbox!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  20. Slide and Incarnate both look so great :) Happy reading.


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