
Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge - Sign Up Post

Guess what? I've decided to host my own reading challenge - it's all very exciting! I just couldn't find a challenge that was exactly what I wanted, so I created my own. Here are the details:

1. This is a challenge to read 2012 releases that have paranormal or fantasy elements. This means anything with vampires, witches, magic-users, shifters, fae, zombies, (etc.) qualifies! Also, humans with supernatural powers count (since that is fantasy........).

2. This challenge is for reading adult books. There are plenty of YA reading challenge out there already. 

3. The books must be 2012 releases, but they don't need to be debuts (although they can be). Continuing a series is perfectly acceptable.

4. Choose how dedicated you are to the world of the paranormal:

(The names of the levels are just for fun. Any paranormal/fantasy book qualifies for any level!)

Magic's kind of interesting: 1 - 10 books
I'd Pet A Werewolf: 11 - 20 books
Take Me To the Fae Realm: 21 - 30 books
Bite Me, I Want To Be A Vampire: 31 or more books

5. At the end of every month there will be an update post. You can link up your reviews for that month that meet the challenge (a great way to get your reviews read by others, and to check out others' reviews to get ideas for what to read!).

Create a post about the challenge on your own blog. You can list the books you plan to read toward the challenge, but it's not necessary. Sign up using the linky below (the URL should link to the post on your blog about the challenge) and grab the challenge button.


  1. Sounds great! I will for sure go for the Bite Me level ;)

  2. I posted this, and will participate, sounds like fun. Great Idea! I also am following you now, and put your button on my sidebar too. :)

  3. i'm tempted but i've already read a lot and i'm not sure i still have a lot of 2012 books that fits in


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