
Sunday, November 20, 2011

In My Mailbox (14) - Vlog edition!

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.


Books talked about:

Shadow Heir (Dark Swan, #4) Shadow Heir       Alterant (Belador, #2) Alterant   
Fateful Fateful               Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1) Wicked Lovely     

Check out my latest posts:

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. That's a great mailbox. They all look like fantastic reads - Happy Reading!

  2. Great mailbox this week! I don't usually read out of YA, so I haven't heard of a few of those, but I hope you enjoy them all!!

    Stop by my IMM

  3. I got a signed copy of clan of the cave bear! I have a giveaway going on at my blog if you want to check it out!

  4. I feel like a booger, I have had Fateful since it was released and I have still yet to read it! Anyways, great mailbox, you def got some of my fav authors this week! ;)

  5. Awww I want to read Fateful so bad! I hope you enjoy it and everything else you got!

    Here's my IMM!

  6. Lovely mailbox! I'd love to get my hands on Fateful, and I remember first 2 books by Melissa Marr being very good. Enjoy your week! :)

  7. Awesome books! Great IMM.

    Happy reading.

    -Marybeth P.

  8. Awesome books this week, Fateful looks really good, hope you enjoy them all:)

  9. Ooh, Shadow Heir! I haven't read Iron Crowned yet, but I love this series, Richelle is one of my favourite writers - her writing is just so rich, I think.
    I've read those two Melissa Marr ones, and again, I love them! I've been waiting to try and find book 3 either in the library or second hand, though, because I read them so quick. I hope you like them!

    Thanks for visiting my blog :) I'm a new follower here.


  10. Loved the very first Vlog IMM! You did aweseome, and you received a great group of books this week. I haven't started the Dark Swan series yet, but I do like other books by Richelle Mead, so maybe it is time to pick up the first one! thanks for sharing!

    My Mailbox

  11. You did it! You vlogged! LOL! Too cute. Could you feel me shooting daggers at you with my eyes while you held Shadow Heir?

  12. that what that was? I thought I felt a sharp little poke or two in my back...

  13. Great haul! I really enjoyed Wicked Lovely but I was disappointed with book 2. I really want to read Fateful!

    Xpresso Reads

  14. Em LOVES her some Richelle Mead! ENJOY!

  15. That's a great IMM :) And first time vlog! I need to read more Richelle Mead. I think I've read only one. I have Dark Swan as a Graphic Novel though! I hope ou enjoy them all!

    My IMM!

  16. Ooh, I love the Wicked Lovely series! And I really enjoyed Fateful. Happy reading!

    I'm a new follower. :)
    My Mailbox

  17. Wicked Lovely looks cool! Hope you like it! (:

  18. Hahahaha! You're brave. I never know if I'll be brave enough to do a blog. I'll probaly have to shoot it like 50 times b/c I'll probaly sound like a idiot. I don't usually do it b/c I don't think I get enough books to do a blog. =DDDDDDDDDDDDD

  19. I'm on book #3 in Richelle Mead's Dark Swan series, so I'll be ready for Shadow Heir next! I can't wait!
    Here is my IMM


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