
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (11) - Girl of Nightmares

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

(Anna #2)
by Kendare Blake
Release date: August 7, 2012

(from Goodreads)
In this follow-up to Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas begins seeing Anna everywhere: sometimes when he’s asleep, and sometimes in waking nightmares. But something is very wrong. These aren’t just daydreams. Anna seems tortured, torn apart in new and ever more gruesome ways every time she appears.
Cas doesn’t know what happened to Anna when she disappeared into Hell, but he knows she doesn’t deserve whatever is happening to her now. Anna saved Cas more than once, and it’s time for him to return the favor.

If you've read my review of Anna Dressed in Blood, you know that I LOVED it and was totally surprised by said love. I cannot wait to read the next one!!! And who does the covers for this series!? They have both been ridiculously beautiful! I love the way Kendare writes and I love Cas, so naturally this is my WOW this week...even though its release is almost a year away........  :*(

What is YOUR WoW pick?


  1. YES!! I Can't WAIT for this one. PLus that cover is fantastic!!

    Xpresso Reads

  2. Wow I didn't even know there will be a sequel! Nice pick! Love the cover too! :)

  3. The cover looks creepy! I've seen lots of people feature this book. It sure sounds very horror-ish, in a good way!!! Great choice! Thank you for sharing!

    Books For All Seasons

  4. I haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood yet. Not sure if I will either, even with all the great reviews out there. I am such a wimp when it comes to anything even slightly scary. I blame it on my over active imagination.

    New follower from WoW. (Love the blog name BTW)

  5. I'm glad this is a year away so that I will have time to catch up on Anna Dressed in Blood. I can't wait to read it since everyone likes it so much! I'm a new follower of yours.

  6. Sounds like a good one. Haven't read the first one yet, maybe I should soon.

    My WOW Post
    Mystifying Paranormal Reviews

  7. I've got to read Anna Dressed in Blood first. Interesting choice. Come visit me as well.

    Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog


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