
Friday, November 18, 2011

Follow Friday (13)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:


Letter to Santa: 

Tell Santa what books you want for Christmas!

Dear Santa,

I have been a VERY good girl this year (just don't ask my boyfriend... he lies...) and so I thought I deserved some treats. Seeing as I am OBSESSED with books...I am sending you my list of the books you need to get me I would like. Here they are:

What? Some of these books are not going to be out by Christmas? Well, you have an IN with all the publishing houses, don't you? I don't care what needs to be done, just do it find a way please. Thank you so very very much. Now get to work Now get to work (some things just can't be said a nicer way...).


Your best friend and biggest fan.....Goldilox

Check out some recent posts and goodies:


  1. Hahah I love your letter to Santa ;) I definitely want to get my hands on some of these! Ok all of them :P Great list! Hope you get them soon ;)

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  2. i want dragonswood!

    Will you stop by my blog?! I'm hosting a cover craze post :)

  3. I just finished Dressed in Blood - can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Girl of Nightmares!! I've got the Pledge in my post as well!

    New GFC Follower :)

    Follow Me Friday @ Radiant Shadows

  4. Your blog looks awesome! I AM DYING FOR GIRL OF NIGHTMARES. I'm a new follower.
    Make sure to follow my blog and check out my giveaway :)

  5. I really want all of those lol, new follower, here's mine

  6. Oh my goodness, yes, Yes, YES!
    I so want Santa to do some time travel magic and bring me Biting Cold. I need some more Ethan and Merit! (in that order).

    I'd also like the fifth Guild Hunter book... you know, the one that doesn't even have a name yet? Heh.

    Hope Santa's kind this year! Ugh... I keep getting distracted by Cat and Bones and chapter 32 in your left hand side bar! Drool.
    xx New follower :)

  7. I just love your choices, I can't wait to read blood in the bayou.

    I'm an old follower

    here is mine


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