Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Blogoversary RTFB Spotlight: The Generation V series by M.L. Brennan

Can you believe Goldilox and the Three Weres is five years old?

In those five years, one of our favorite and most popular features has been Read This F@!%ing Book. In one of these posts, our bloggers or guest contributors get to gush about a book or series they love and think deserves more attention. I found some of my all-time favorite series because someone recommended them in RTFB.

As part of our five year Blogoversary celebration, we're spotlighting one of our favorite Read This F@!%ing Book posts each day this week.

One of my favorite posts that I wrote after joining the blog featured M.L. Brennan's Generation V series. And it's one that I still think more people should be reading. I love Brennan's unique take on the vampire mythos. Check out the original post here. (The headers are all eighties song titles because book three, Tainted Blood, had me singing Soft Cell for days.)


Are you interested in starting this series?
 Did we persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Or have you read it and love it as much as I do?
Let us know in the comments below!

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