March is over and April is here! Despite the madness of March, we made some good progress on our 2016 reading challenges. We still need help to stay motivated though. So it's time to do this month's reading challenge
recaps to hold ourselves accountable. Why are reading goals so hard?
Read on to find out how well or
how not well we did this last month!
Gretl's Recap
#Rock My TBR

The good news is I read two whole books that I owned this month. The bad news is I bought both of them within the last two months, so the TBR pile isn't really getting any smaller. At least it didn't get any bigger though.
I read Fallout by Gwenda Bond, book one in her YA series about Lois Lane. The review was part of Superweek here on the blog. And I read Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire, the latest in her Incryptid series.
I really hope I get a chance to binge one of those series that have been languishing on my Kindle and make a big dent in the TBR pile soon.
Rose Red's Recap
I've had a serious book hangover since I finished The Raven Cycle books in February so I haven't really felt like reading this month. Honestly, all I wanted to do was read Raven Boys fanfic because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the world and the characters. I'm finally shaking off my hangover so I did make my goal to read at least two TBR books this month. I actually read three books of my TBR pile read so I'm happy with my progress! Series binge for the win!
2016 TBR Jar Challenge For March
This month's TBR Jar Challenge was Read A Series Finale! For this challenge, I actually binge read the whole Captive Prince Trilogy by C. S. Pacat in two days based on a recommendation from a close friend and from all the hype around the books lately. I actually wrote my thoughts down in a Read This F@!%ing Book post. I thought the first book was okay and it was the characters that made me pick up the next two books. And oh my goodness! They were so much better than the first one! Kings Rising was a great end to the trilogy but I wanted more! I didn't want to let go of Damen and Laurent. I'm really excited for the three novellas the author is writing! One is post-Kings Rising and I need it in my life!
Read What You Buy
Okay, I did much better with this challenge this month! Thanks to the ARCs I got to read for review I read all but two of the books I bought in March! I'll take it!