This survey was created by Brittany at Book Addict's Guide and Andi at Andi's ABCs! You can check out the introductory post here! It's just a fun way to reflect on your past reading year. It lets us look at the facts and details behind what we've read and it a nice change from the year end favorites list. Although we did that too! You can check out Gretl's Best of List here and Rose Red's here.
Since both Gretl and I are including answers, we decided to divide this survey into two parts so the post wouldn't become forever and a day long. So let's get on with Part One's questions!

Number of Books Read... Total:
Gretl: 162
Rose Red: I read 241 pieces of fiction last year! I read 168 novels, 21 novellas, 31 short stories, 2 picture books, and 19 graphic novels! 2015 was such a great reading year for me!
Number of Books Read... Under 250 Pages (Not Including Novellas):
Gretl: 6
Rose Red: 29, but they were mostly graphic novels and children's books. :)
Number of Books Read... Between 400-499 Pages:
Gretl: 7
Rose Red: 29
Number of Books Read... Over 500 Pages:
Gretl: 1
Rose Red: 3
Number of Books Read... Over 1000 Pages:
Gretl: none
Rose Red: Just one and it was The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.
Number of... Audiobooks Listened To:
Gretl: None but I think I'm going to try at least one this year.
Rose Red: 13
Number of... Re-Reads:
Gretl: 8. I only re-read one series, Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate, and I accidentally re-read half of the Night Huntress series while researching my Alpha Showdown post.
Rose Red: 65 :) I'm so happy with that number!
Number of... DNFs:
Gretl: 2 but I intend to pick them both back up at some point.
Rose Red: I DNFed 38 books last year and most of them were YA books, sadly.
Number of Books Rated... Five Stars:
Gretl: 18, including 4.5 stars which I mark as 5 on Goodreads. The actual 5 stars are in the single digits, which is much fewer than 2014.
Rose Red: 129! Have I mentioned that I had a REALLY good reading year in 2015?
Number of Books Rated... One or Two Stars:
Gretl: none
Rose Red: I usually don't have any 1 Star reads because I'll have DNFed the book before that. Last year, I did have one book I rated 2 Stars and two others that I rated 2.5 Stars.
Number of... Authors Met in 2015:
Gretl: None. I'm living vicariously through my co-blogger.
Rose Red: I met 7 authors this year! I met Brandon Sanderson (x2!), Jim Butcher, Chloe Neill, Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner, Marissa Meyer, and Ransom Riggs!
Number of... Book Events Attended in 2015:
Gretl: Several, if you count the ones on Facebook. (I should really get out of the house more!)
Rose Red: I went to seven author signings last year!
Number of... Books You Read In One Day:
Gretl: Probably about half of them.
Rose Red: Umm... I read 143 of the books I read last year in one day. O_O
Number of... Books That Made You Cry:
Gretl: Only one stands out in my mind because I was crying in public - Hit by Delilah S. Dawson. I'm pretty sure there were tears in Cecy Robson's Shattered Past books too.
Rose Red: I only remember crying while reading 19 books last year but it could have been more.
Rose Red: I only remember crying while reading 19 books last year but it could have been more.
Number of... 2016 Books You Have Pre-Ordered:
Gretl: Only one. I stopped doing pre-orders so far in advance because I wound up cancelling a lot of them if I got the ARC.
Rose Red: As of today, 38 between ebooks and physical books.

Book Read Furthest Away From Home (Vacation Reads):
Gretl: I didn't take a vacation this year. I often read in the McDonald's Playplace, which is about 5 miles away from my house.
Rose Red: I read Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh in Tahoe City, CA, which is 2129 miles away from my apartment.

Book That Took You The Longest To Read:
Gretl: There are several that took 3 or 4 days, but I often mark the next book I'm going to start before I actually start reading so I don't think it's totally accurate. The one that felt like it took the longest is The Aeronaut's Windlass which took three days of dedicated reading.
Rose Red: That would be my reread of The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I started it the last day of January and I finished it in November.
Book That You Personally Connected With The Most:
Gretl: That's a tough one because I mostly read paranormals. I'm going to go with Hit by Delilah S. Dawson. It's terrifying if you've ever had credit problems.
Rose Red: This is going to sound weird but the book I connected most with last year was a children's picture book. You all need to read The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce! It perfectly describes what it is like to be a book lover!
Books That Made You Love The Villain:
Gretl: Behind the Mask by Carolyn Crane. The villain becomes the hero.
Rose Red: I really didn't read any books that made me love the villain, but Fairest by Marissa Meyer was an intriguing look into how the villain of her series got to be the way she is.

Book You Said You'd Come Back To But Still Haven't Picked Up Again:
Gretl: The Anatomical Shape of the Heart. I cannot make myself read this book even though I know it will be good. I'm not sure why.
Rose Red: That would be Armada by Ernest Cline for me. Maybe I'll pick it up again in 2016.
Book You Read Waaaay Before It's Publication Date:
Gretl: Vision in Silver and Of Silk and Steam. I read them both the day I got the ARC.
Rose Red: Uprooted by Naomi Novik. I read it two months before it released.
Book You Read On Your Birthday:
Gretl: I didn't read a book on my birthday. I must have been on a Netflix binge.
Rose Red: I was rereading Archangel's Consort by Nalini Singh.
Book With A Character Who Shares Your Name:
Gretl: I don't think there was a main character with my name.
Rose Red: I didn't read any books with a Jessica in them last year. Or at least, that I remember. The closest name a character had to mine was Jessamy from Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series.
Book You Weren't Entirely Truthful About When Rating (Fluff Up Any Ratings? Rated Even Though You Didn't Finish?):
Gretl: I'm kind of going to take the fifth on this one, but what happened was I just couldn't bring myself to give two stars to the previous book in the series which (I kind of hated.) Since this year's was much better, I had to give it an extra half star so that it would be higher rated than the last one.
Rose Red: I really can't think of any.
Book You Read in 2015 But Already Want To Re-Read:
Gretl: Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep and the rest of the Black Blade series.
Rose Red: Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab, and Written in Red by Anne Bishop! They were SO good!
Book You Borrowed From A Friend A Long Time Ago And Still Have:
Gretl: I don't think I have any borrowed books right now.
Rose Red: I have been borrowing my Mom's copy of Spartan Gold by Clive Cussler for about five years now. Whoops.

Book You Wish You Could Go Back And Read For The First Time Again:
Gretl: Silver on the Road by Laura Ann Gilman. It was completely unexpected.
Rose Red: Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff! It was so amazing!
Most Books Read By One Author This Year:
Gretl: 12 books and 2 novellas. I read three series by Molly Harper, Jane Jameson, Half-Moon Hollow and Naked Werewolf.
Rose Red: For me, that would be Nalini Singh. I read 24 of her books, 10 novellas, and 20 short stories. I have become a tad bit obsessed with her Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter series. :)
If I were going to vote on whose answers are the best, I'd have lost my ability to chose once you got to "Most Books Read by One Author in 2015. Molly Harper has been a favorite for a few years now, but I read everything I possibly could having to do with Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter!! (It's no wonder I think you guys are great and that must be the reason I follow you!! ��)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! For the compliment and the follow.