
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Review: My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent

My Soul to Steal
(Soul Screamers #4)
Rachel Vincent
Release: January 4, 2011
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Trying to work things out with Nash—her maybe boyfriend—is hard enough for Kaylee Cavanaugh. She can't just pretend nothing happened. But "complicated" doesn't even begin to describe their relationship when his ex-girlfriend transfers to their school, determined to take Nash back.

See, Sabine isn't just an ordinary girl. She's a mara, the living personification of a nightmare. She can read people's fears—and craft them into nightmares while her victims sleep. Feeding from human fear is how she survives.

And Sabine isn't above scaring Kaylee and the entire school to death to get whatever—and whoever—she wants.


Each book in the Soul Screamers series has been slightly darker with even better writing and an extra helping of emotional angst. My Soul to Steal is no exception to this, and it is my favorite in the series so far, as each book in the series has been better than the last. I was biting my tongue to hold back from shouting obscenities at my book the entire time!

Kaylee made the right decision at the end of the previous book, breaking up with Nash, whether it had proven to be temporary or not I was happy that Vincent let Kaylee make the smart choice. In this book, Kaylee deals with Nash as he starts to recover from his addiction and the two work out exactly what they are to each other now and if they should give their relationship another shot. This would be difficult enough on its own, but Vincent is not comfortable with just that level of difficulty. She takes things to 'relationship level 99' with the introduction of Sabine, Nash's ex girlfriend and all around obnoxious bitch.

Even though Sabine grated on every last nerve I had and her character made me SO unbelievably angry most of the time, I also enjoyed the introduction of a new character as I think it was a great way to inject some freshness into the fourth book in the series. Sabine is unwilling to let Nash go and openly wages war against Kaylee. And Sabine...she fights diiirrrttyyy. And Nash! Oh man, he pissed me off!!! He was such a stereotypical guy in this book, always defending Sabine and trying to show Kaylee that he 'needed her friendship' but that he still loved Kaylee and only wanted her. I was right on board with Kaylee's constant anger, confusion, and indignation.

Another new character in this book is Alec, whom we met briefly in My Soul to Keep. I found him mysterious and interesting and I'm glad that Vincent kept him as a part of the series and didn't leave us hanging after the previous book. Both Sabine and Alec are great, if not complicated, additions to Team Soul Screamers and I think each of their individual abilities are going to add something extra to future stories.

And, as ALWAYS, I adore Tod. In every book he does or says things that make him an even more important part of the series. In this book, I believe we are being shown the beginning of Tod developing feelings for Kaylee. The signs are subtle, but I think they're there. Sure, let's make the love triangle a square - why the hell not!? Bring on THE TOD!

Between the relationship drama between the triangle of Kaylee, Nash, and Sabine, the mysterious deaths of teacher's at Kaylee's school, and the appearances by a certain always creepy demon...My Soul to Steal cements the Soul Screamers series as one of my favorite young adult series that I've read!

Check out the discussion about My Soul to Steal
over  at Little Read Riding Hood right now!

Recommended for fans of: teenage angst, snappy bitches you'll love to hate and hate to love, and snarky dead blond guys.



  1. ahhh I've been meaning to start this series since I love R.V.'s other works but I just havent gotten there yet since its YA. After your review though I may have to give it a go ahead!
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