
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Birthday Bash: Amanda Carlson's Top 10 Favorite UF/PNR Characters Plus Giveaway!

Button created by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews

Welcome to day #5 of my Birthday Bash!

My birthday is May 18th but YOU guys are getting the presents! Stop by every day this week for author interviews, guest posts, and giveaways galore!

Here's the schedule for the week:

Sun. 5/12: Rachel Vincent and Jennifer Armentrout
Jennifer Interviews Rachel + Giveaway!
Mon. 5/13: Delilah Dawson
5 Crazy Characters That Haven't Been Written Yet + Giveaway!
Tues. 5/14: Bethany Griffin
5 YA Releases I'm Looking Forward To + Giveaway! 
Wed. 5/15: Bec McMaster
Interview + Giveaway!
Thur. 5/16: Amanda Carlson
Top 10 Favorite UF/PNR Characters + Giveaway!
Fri. 5/17: J.A. Souders
Interview + Giveaway!
Sat. 5/18: Amanda Bonilla
Book Characters Hanging Out + Giveaway!

Today Amanda Carlson is sharing her favorite UF/PNR Characters!


Check out her post and then enter to win a signed copy of HOT BLOODED below!

Top 10 Favorite UF/PNR Characters

10. Pixies: I love reading about their mischievousness. I’ve never read them as a hero/heroine, but maybe I’d like it?
9. Gods/goddesses: Some authors have awesome series with heroes/heroines as gods. They can be verra sexy.
8. Angels: I fell in love with Nalini Singh’s angel books. That hooked me for good.
7.  Dhampir: Who doesn’t love the angry dhampir? They are a yummy mix of good and evil for me.
6. Fey: I always love reading about the Fey. It takes you to a different world, all while staying in UF.
5. Vampires: A sexy vamp is nothing to sneeze at.
4. Demons: Demons are deliciously evil. I love that they come from somewhere else. This leaves incredible options for world building and all around pandemonium.
3.  Witches: I’ve always enjoyed witches. They can cast spells and make shit happen. You can do almost anything with a witch story.
2. Valkyrie: I LOVE Valkyries! I hope someday to write about them. They are so fierce and loyal. And they have that awesome sisterhood going on.
1. WEREWOLVES!! Who would’ve guessed? I love a hot blooded, loyal, alpha male/female. Bring it.

Thanks for hosting me! I’m so excited HOT BLOODED is releasing this month, 4/23!

Amanda Carlson is the author of the upcoming Jessica McClain series. The first book, Full Blooded, will be released by Hachette Book Group, ORBIT US & UK SEPT 2012. She’s been writing for over ten years. Full Blooded is her first novel. She lives in Minneapolis, with her husband and three kids.

Enter to win the following:
A signed copy of HOT BLOODED

This giveaway is US!

All Birthday Bash giveaways end on May 22nd at 11:59pm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am running out of ways to say Happy Birthday! :-) I <3 Amanda and look forward to the next time I get to see her!

  2. Happy Birthday! My Top 10 list would be a bit different, vampires would be at the top and angels at the bottom, but I like Amanda's list, it covers all the good ones.

  3. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Youuuuuuuuu!

  4. Ooh I like the top 10. You have listed some of my faves too. I have really been enjoying Nalini Singh's angel series as well.
    Happy Birthday :)

  5. I love your list! The only one I don't agree with is angels. I have yet to find an angel book that really connects with me.

  6. Great top ten although witches for me would be higher up on the list. They are sometimes a bit whiny for my taste.

  7. Ok demons, Pixies and werewolves YES. Wait you know who is underloved? Gargoyles baby.

  8. Looking forward to reading Hot Blooded

  9. Happy Birthday!

    I would have to make my list the top 20 and then I would probably keep having to add to it. So I refuse to make one and just keep enjoying the books.

  10. Fun list! Mine would be a little different probably. Pixies, especially Jenks from Kim Harrison's books are definitely a favorite, though!

  11. Happy Bday and thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Another awesome post & giveaway! I've been wanting to read this series for awhile now. Thanks for the chance to win!


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