
Sunday, January 15, 2012

In My Mailbox (19)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren

Here's what I got in my mailbox this week!


The Selection
(The Selection #1)
Kiera Cass

A Beautiful Evil
(Gods and Monsters #2)
Kelly Keaton

Janet Lee Carey

I had an AMAZING week of ARCs this week! HarperTeen sent me a copy of The Selection and Simon & Schuster sent me A Beautiful Evil!!! I am super excited to read both of these as soon as I'm done with the group read I'm participating in right now. Thank you SO much to both publishers! I also swapped with another blogger this week and received Dragonswood, which I've heard good things about and am really excited to read. 


(The Mortal Instruments #2)
Cassandra Clare

(The Mortal Instruments #3)
Cassandra Clare

(The Mortal Instruments #4)
Cassandra Clare

This is the group read I was referring to above. I already had book one, but clearly I NEEDED the rest!!! 


(The Infernal Devices #1)
Cassandra Clare

Kat from Confessions of a Common Reader got me Clockwork Angel for my Kindle as a RAK gift!!! So it looks like after TMI I'll be reading TID!!!

Wow, all YA this week (and mostly Cassandra Clare)!!!

Things to Check Out:
Join the 2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge! 
Check it out and sign up 

Giveaway of FRACTURE and interview with author Megan Miranda!

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. WOW awesome books. Cassie Clare books are amazing. And I really want to read Kelly Keatons books. The other ones look great too. I actually posted my first ever I.M.M and you are

  2. Love the Cassandra Clare books, but I'm a little behind in reading 'City of Fallen Angels' and 'Clockwork Angel'.

    Those review books look pretty good too.

  3. I really need to read the Cassandra Clare series, I've heard some amzing things about it. I hope you'll like Selection I read some mixed review about it...

    My IMM

  4. ass soo jealous you got The Selection!! Cant wait to all the reviews!! Happy Reading

  5. THE SELECTION! I am so jealous of you. Happy readings.

    -Marybeth P.

  6. Wow, all of the books have such GORGEOUS covers. I'd go so far as to buy them just to prettify my apartment :-)

    Great books this week!

    My IMM

    1. I know, right? They should make book cover wallpaper!

  7. I've been looking forward to The Selection! Hope it's good!

  8. You got The Selection! That looks so good, and the cover is gorgeous. Enjoy!!

    My IMM

  9. Wow - all of those covers are absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm such a sucker for pretty covers. I'm going to have to check out some of these, especially The Selection. I'm really looking forward to your reviews!

    Check out my IMM here!

  10. Wow, you got a ton of incredible books! I'm dying to read The Selection and I swear everyone but me got it this week lol. I have all these books on my TBR list (although I'd never heard of A Beautiful Evil - I've added it now!). Happy reading! New follower, love your blog :-)

    My IMM:

  11. Cassandra Clare was amazing! Hope you'll enjoy it!
    Happy Reading!
    My IMM
    A Beautiful Madness

  12. Everything Cassandra Clare does is amazing. I love her and all her books!

    Super jealous of the Selection. I want to read it so badly! It's so pretty!

    Great IMM! Can't wait to your reviews!

    Come check out my IMM:

  13. Great set! I can't wait to read The Selection. I love The Mortal Instruments.
    My IMM

  14. Gorgeous looking books in your mailbox this week! I hope you enjoy them all! :)

  15. Hey there! I just wanted to let you know that the mini series banners you requested are FINALLY done. I'm sorry these took me so long, but I took a bit of a hiatus from making them for a little while. But they're done now. Here:

    In case you forgot, these are the ones you requested/are made:
    - Charley Davidson by Darynda Jones
    - Annabelle Lee by Stacey Jay
    - Sirantha Jax by Ann Aguirre


    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books


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