
Friday, January 13, 2012

Follow Friday (20)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:

Many readers/bloggers are also big music fans. Tell us about a few of your favorite bands/singers that we should listen to in 2012.

I listen to a lot of different kinds of music depending on my mood, but there is one band/singer that is my absolute hands down favorite -

Rilo Kiley 
(Jenny Lewis)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rilo Kiley! And when the lead singer, Jenny Lewis, began putting out solo albums in between Rilo Kiley albums I got very excited! I've made you a little playlist with my seven favorite songs:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Sooooooo what do you think? And what music are YOU in love with?

Check out what's going on:

2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge Sign Up

Giveaway of FRACTURE and author interview

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Haha! I listen to opening and ending themes from the anime and asian dramas that I watch! LOL

  2. The songs you put her sound really good, thanks for sharing!

    My Feature Friday

  3. I've listened to them a few times. I found them when I was looking up music that appeared in shows that I watch...although now I can't remember which show it was >.<

    Danielle @ Novelly Antithetical

  4. I've never heard of Rilo Keley, but I'll have to check them out!

    Here's my FF:

    New Follower, Angela

  5. New follower here from the blog hop! Here is my FF:

    I hadn't heard of either of these, but I'll have to take a listen!

  6. I love the playlist! I haven't heard of this band, but I really liked those songs especially Silver Lining. Thanks for sharing and visiting!

  7. This playlist was great, I absolutely loved it (:
    New follower, thanks for visiting...

  8. Thanks for stopping by, I LOVE your blog! The header rocks!!

    -ShawnaLeAnn Dreaming In The Pages

  9. I've heard good things about Jenny Lewis. New follower :)

    My FF Post

  10. i definitely agree with Rilo Kiley! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hopping through. Great choices - especially Rilo.
    My Hop

  12. nevr heard of them tnx 4 sharing

  13. I didn't know anything about them so thank you it's really nice to discover new bands.

    old follower

    here is mine

  14. Silly geographic restrictions won't let me listen...but I will do my best to check them out elsewhere! I'm always looking for new music to love. :)

    Thanks for the FF visit!

  15. Some of their music came on when I had my iPod on shuffle and it made me wonder what they were doing. Haven't seen anything new from them in quite some time.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. i love rilo kiley, too! i wish they would make another album. the jenny lewis solo and jenny & jonny stuff is good but not as good as rilo kiley. :)


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