
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Blogoversary: Celebrating Two Years of Being Three Weres

Can you believe Goldilox and the Three Weres is five years old?
July 31st is the fifth anniversary of Goldilox's first post. But the month of July also marks two years since Rose Red and I joined the blog and we think that's worth celebrating too.

One of my favorite things about being part of the blog and the blogging community has been "meeting" other bloggers and readers and chatting about our favorite books. In honor of our two year anniversary, here are a few of my favorite discussion-generating  posts: 
Sometimes the discussion doesn't go where you expect it to and sometimes that's a lot of fun. We wound up having a conversation about Sookie Stackhouse in the comments on this post.

Rose Red and I have done several joint reviews since we've been blogging together. We wind up picking the same books on a regular basis, which just confirms that we're in the right place. It's fun to get to discuss the book while writing the review for a change. This was one that we discussed quite a bit.

Rose Red just posted her favorite WWK discussion posts so make sure to check those out. Doing this feature has been another lesson in the how the conversation doesn't always go where you think it will. Sometimes it doesn't go anywhere at all. But writing these posts has been interesting even if I wind up talking to myself.

We're having a tea party to celebrate our second anniversary!
Well, actually, we're sending you a tea party prize pack. It starts out with three books from The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series: Phoenix Rising, The Janus Affair, and Dawn's Early Light. There's also a tin of Buckingham Breakfast from this cute little tea shop in my neighborhood, a travel mug (since this is a tea party to go,) tea scented erasers, lotion and body wash, a chocolate truffle candle, macaroon lip balm, cookie pen, and some coffee-themed bookmarks (because non-tea drinkers are also welcome at this party.)
This giveaway is U.S. only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, July 30, 2016

ARC August Challenge!

Happy Almost August!

I just learned of a fantabulous event called ARC August. This is through the blog Read. Sleep. Repeat. and is a chance to plow through your ARCs, both print and electronic!

Remember when I used to host Netgalley Knockout here on our blog? Ah, those were the good old days. I've been thinking I needed to participate in something like that as an incentive to get through some of my upcoming ARCs and POOF! like magic I heard about this event!

Below is my anticipated ARC TBR. I want to stress that word, anticipated, because I may receive new ARCs after August begins that I choose to read instead. 

The sign-ups for ARC August end July 31st so if you want to participate  GO. NOW.

My ARC TBR for August:

Stealing Snow (Stealing Snow, #1) The Women in the Walls  A Promise of Fire (Kingmaker Chronicles #1)  Three Dark Crowns (Untitled, #1) Made For Sin Caraval (Untitled, #1) The Sinner (Graveyard Queen, #5)

Let me know if you're participating! I'll make a blog post and a video at the end to let you know how I did!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Blogoversary RTFB Spotlight: Dark Mission Series by Karina Cooper

Can you believe Goldilox and the Three Weres is five years old already? 

In those five years, one of our favorite and most popular features has been Read This F@!%ing Book. In one of these posts, our bloggers or guest contributors get to gush about a book or series they love and think deserves more attention. I found some of my all-time favorite series because someone recommended them in RTFB.

As part of our five year Blogoversary celebration, we're spotlighting one of our favorite Read This F@!%ing Book posts each day this week

I've written a lot of Read This F@!%ing Book posts since I've started blogging here on the Goldilox blog. For this last post this week, I wanted to spotlight one of the series I think needs a little more love. And that series is the Dark Mission series by Karina Cooper. I love these books! They're gritty post-apocalyptic urban fantasy romancey goodness with witches and witch hunters! You can check out the original post here.

Blood of the Wicked (Dark Mission, #1) Lure of the Wicked (Dark Mission, #2)
All Things Wicked (Dark Mission #3) Sacrifice the Wicked One for the Wicked (Dark Mission, #5)

 Are you interested in starting this series?
 Did we persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Or have you read it and love it as much as I do?
Let us know in the comments below!

Blogoversary: Top Five Weres Wanna Know Posts

Woo! The Goldilox and the Three Weres Blogoversary Week continues! This year we started a new feature called Weres Wanna Know where we post about topics we want to discuss. We've been floored by the amount of participation that each post gets. We love our discussions! Since this is a new feature, we decided to highlight our five favorites that we've posted so far.

Gretl started this fascinating discussion about rating books. It was interesting to discover that were on complete different ends of the spectrum. She is way more stingy than I am on how often she gives a book 5 stars.

I've always been a major rereader but it was only recently that I discovered that some people never reread books. People had pretty decided opinions in the comments sections. Do you reread? Why or why not?

This was a fun post by Gretl! I've always thought about Easter Eggs in terms of pop culture and literary references. She pointed out that some authors with multiple series like Jennifer Estep put Easter Eggs from one series into one in another series. I will never read Estep's books the same again! Time to watch for all the hidden references!

Ah. Summer. A time full of beach visits, vacations, and lots and lots of reading.

Who doesn't love a great anti-hero?

It's An Owl Giveaway!
Because it's our fifth birthday, we're giving away books! Today's delightful prize are the first two books in the Adventures of Owl series by Kristi Charish and an owl necklace made by our own Gretl.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

RTFB Spotlight: The Elemental Assassin Series by Jennifer Estep

Can you believe Goldilox and the Three Weres is five years old?

In those five years, one of our favorite and most popular features has been Read This F@!%ing Book. In one of these posts, our bloggers or guest contributors get to gush about a book or series they love and think deserves more attention. I found some of my all-time favorite series because someone recommended them in RTFB.

As part of our five year Blogoversary celebration, we're spotlighting one of our favorite Read This F@!%ing Book posts each day this week. I'm going way back to the second ever RTFB post for this one!

Sometimes you get a recommendation and you think "OK that looks good," so you go to Goodreads and add it to your TBR list and that's kind of the end of it. Sometimes you run (either literally or virtually) to the bookstore or the library immediately. The Elemental Assassin series was one of the latter kind for me. These books are action-packed and feature a badass heroine with some really cool magic.


Thanks to Jennifer The Book Nympho for turning me on to Gin Blanco! You can see her original post here.

Are you interested in starting this series?
 Did we persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Or have you read it and love it as much as I do?
Let us know in the comments below!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Top 5 Most Unlikable Characters

This week I participated in Top 5 Wednesday for the first time and I thought since our theme for this week's blogoversary is Top 5 it would be perfect to share my first Top 5 video with you all!

If you don't know, Top 5 Wednesday is a feature for bloggers and booktubers based on a Goodreads group. There is a unique topic for each Wednesday and bloggers and booktubers make posts or videos to discuss their responses. Here is the link to the Goodreads group if you'd like to participate - and let me know if you do!
Top 5 Wednesday

This week's topic is:

Top 5 Most Unlikable Characters
These cannot be characters that were purposely written as villains, mean girls, etc. but rather characters that were meant to be likable, but that you just didn't like at all. Check out my choices below! Did I name any characters you love? Who would you add to this list?

Top 5 Most Unlikable Characters

Click on the little red youtube button below to subscribe to the new channel!

You can also view more videos on the channel by clicking here: 
Goldilox's Booktube Channel

Blogoversary RTFB Spotlight: The Iron Seas Series by Meljean Brook

Can you believe Goldilox and the Three Weres is five years old already? 

In those five years, one of our favorite and most popular features has been Read This F@!%ing Book. In one of these posts, our bloggers or guest contributors get to gush about a book or series they love and think deserves more attention. I found some of my all-time favorite series because someone recommended them in RTFB.

As part of our five year Blogoversary celebration, we're spotlighting one of our favorite Read This F@!%ing Book posts each day this week.

I've been reading the Read This F@!%ing Book feature for a long time and I remember the post that first convinced me that I needed to was the one Goldilox wrote on The Iron Seas Series by Meljean Brook! And I'm so glad I picked them up! Pirates! Zombies! Airships! They were everything I thought I never knew I wanted it! I'd highly recommend picking them up if you haven't read them. You can check out the original post here.

 Are you interested in starting this series?
 Did we persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Or have you read it and love it as much as I do?
Let us know in the comments below!