
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Goldilox's Greatest Hits Vol 4

Goldlox's Greatest Hits is our new monthly wrap up feature. We'll recap our favorite book we've read this month and show you some of our favorite posts that you might have missed, as well as what's coming up next on Goldilox and the Three Weres.


Greatest Hits

Check out our favorite books that we read this month. These all got 4.5 and 5 star reviews:
Fall With Me by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
Hit by Delilah S. Dawson
Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep
Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews


In Read This F-ing Book we featured YA vampires in The Jessica Series by Beth Fantaskey, kinder, gentler vampires in Molly Harper's Jane Jameson series, and one of our all-time faves: Stacia Kane's Downside Ghosts.

We're all excited about Jennifer Estep's new YA series Black Blade! The first book, Cold Burn of Magic came out this week. Read an excerpt, check out Rose Red's review and enter the giveaway!

Earlier this week, we talked about The Best Series Ever . . . That We Haven't Read Yet. Share yours with us and enter to win a copy of The Witch With No Name.

Look What I Found!

If you weren't following the DABWAHA tournament you might have missed some awesome blog posts from Ilona Andrews. The final round of voting pitted Magic Breaks against Burn for Me. My favorite post featured Kate and Curran trading trash talk with Nevada and Rogan. I laughed until I cried! While you're there check out Kate and Curran's Twitter conversations.

The Veil is one of my most anticipated books of the year. It's not out until August but Chloe Neill posted the first chapter on her website.

Coming Soon

May is Alpha Showdown time over at Vampire Book Club so you might notice us talking about a few particular Master Vampires a lot more than usual.

And there might be another giveaway tomorrow. We're all about free stuff this week.

Review: The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire by Molly Harper


The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire
(Half Moon Hollow #3)
Molly Harper
Release: March 24, 2015
Goodreads Amazon
In the next book in Molly Harper’s beloved Half Moon Hollow paranormal romance series, Gigi starts her first job (at Vampire Headquarters), gets over her first love, and may even fall for her first vampire!

Gigi is no longer an innocent teen. All grown up and looking for love, her family and friends worry she’ll go for the sexy, alluring vampire instead of a nice, safe human. But sexy and alluring, with a penchant for biting, could be just what Gigi wants...
Review: The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire takes place about six months after the novella I'm Dreaming of an Undead Christmas. Gigi's home for summer vacation and starting her job at the Vampire Council headquarters. On her first day of work, she's accosted in the parking lot by the same mysterious vampire who kissed her over winter break and disappeared without a word. The good news is now she knows she didn't imagine the golden-eyed stranger who may have been stalking her. The bad news is he has no memory of the kiss or the attack. So in her free time, Gigi tries to find out what's wrong with the man she's been obsessing over for months.

I absolutely loved Gigi! She is the master of the pop culture reference. Harper did a great job giving her a distinct voice from the other heroines in the series. I also liked seeing her interact with the other programmers on her team who finally let her be an adult, unlike her overprotective sister and brother in law. I just loved her little gang of geeks and I hope they show up again in the series. And I liked getting to see more of the inner workings of the Council and some behind the scenes parts of their offices.
We are working in a version of Oz with no full-frontal Christopher Meloni but better AV equipment. 
However, I did wish that the romance had a little more time to develop. Nik and Gigi had instant chemistry and a mutual infatuation. In fact, I think this book is a little bit steamier than previous ones in the series. But I didn't totally buy it when she declared her love for him, especially given everything else that was happening.

It's hard to explain the other thing that bothered me without being spoilery. There are a few different people responsible for Gigi's troubles and while all the culprits are revealed, they're not all punished. And I'm not sure how well the punishments fit the crimes. Some of them may be addressed later in the series, so I'm trying to reserve judgment a little bit.

It's not absolutely  necessary, but I would recommend reading the prequel novella I'm Dreaming of an Undead Christmas before starting this book. I feel like I had a better sense of Gigi's emotions and her interest in Nik because of it. And really, I would read the other two novels first as well. Harper does a good job of recapping the previous books, but each new couple gets added to Jane Jameson's gang as the series progresses and I would hate not knowing the whole story of how they got there.

I'm really enjoying this series so I'm excited that there's at least one more novella and one more novel on the way. While I'm waiting, I'm going to have to finally check out those naked werewolves.

Recommended for fans of: sassy geeks, characters that grow up over the course of the series

3 1/2 stars

My reviews of other books in this series:
The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires
A Witch's Handbook of Kisses and Curses

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Magic Strikes
(Kate Daniels #3)
Ilona Andrews
Release: March 31, 2009
Goodreads Amazon
When magic strikes and Atlanta goes to pieces, it’s a job for Kate Daniels…

Drafted into working for the Order of Merciful Aid, mercenary Kate Daniels has more paranormal problems than she knows what to do with these days. And in Atlanta, where magic comes and goes like the tide, that’s saying a lot.

But when Kate's werewolf friend Derek is discovered nearly dead, she must confront her greatest challenge yet. As her investigation leads her to the Midnight Games—an invitation only, no holds barred, ultimate preternatural fighting tournament—she and Curran, the Lord of the Beasts, uncover a dark plot that may forever alter the face of Atlanta's shapeshifting community…

Review by Rose Red:

I've reviewed Ilona Andrews's books before and have always said that the writing and the action in these books are fantastic! Well, I’m going to say it again... the writing in this installment was fantastic and the plot was awesome. It met the high standards I’ve come to associate and expect out of a Ilona Andrews book.

Magic Strikes is the third book in the Kate Daniels series and there is no rest for Kate and her friends. We are thrown back into our post-magic apocalypse Atlanta and there’s new players wreaking destruction as well as a highly illegal underground game.

Kate is one kick-ass heroine that I thoroughly enjoy reading. She has good heart, a core of steel, and moves to back herself up. I have loved her character development. She is trying to adjust to having friends and people she cares about. All her life she was told to never make friends or have a relationship, so for her this is new and goes agents what she was taught. The author gives us more information on Kate’s past, who she really is, and why she tries to stay hidden. She’s starting to realize that staying hidden may not be an option anymore with so many people she cares about now.

What I like most about this book is that we're seeing more of Kate and her relationships. Yes, there is action and intrigue but more importantly, Kate is becoming more open to being entangled with the people around her. She’s come out of her shell and she’s starting to realize that there’s no going back into it. People are important and she's as much a guardian of the people she's taken into her life as she is to the nameless faces that she protects. She’s starting to fight for her place in her friends’ lives.

Kate’s relationship with Curran is also changing. He’s chasing/courting her as a shifter would and she is totally in denial. In my opinion, the romance in this series is handled so well. It's been obvious from book one what's going to happen, but Andrews is in no hurry, and has been content to keep Curran as a supporting character rather than letting him drive out all the other supporting characters. This lets Kate have satisfying emotional connections apart from any romantic ones. I will say that I am really enjoying how Kate and Curran’s relationship is developing despite Kate’s denial. I’ve said this before but the banter between those two is so great! It seriously had me laughing out loud so many times. I love that Kate gives as good as she gets and the fact that she doesn't cower in front of Curran even though he tends to scare the living daylights out of her makes their interactions even better.

This book is brilliant! If you enjoy Urban Fantasy, then this series is a must read. The Andrews team has created a unique in-depth world full of mystery, magic, and technology blended together for an action-packed non-stop adventure. If you haven’t started this series, you really need to go get book one. I promise you won’t regret it!

  5 / 5 Stars!!!

My reviews of other books in this series:
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Best Series Ever...That We Haven't Read Yet - Discussion + Giveaway!

In planning to give away a copy of Kim Harrison's The Witch With No Name, in honor of its paperback release today, the three of us here at Goldilox and the Three Weres started talking about the fact that I've never read a single book in this series, despite the fact that several blogger friends love it and I've had the first book in the series on my shelf for years. We started talking about how there are so many series that we're sure we'll love but we just haven't gotten to read them yet! So, below, we discuss some of these series with you and then give away that paperback copy of The Witch With No Name!

The Best Series Ever...That I Haven't Read Yet...

The Parasol Protectorate Series by Gail Carriger
This series is one of those that I keep seeing "around" and just haven't picked up yet. It looks odd, unique, funny, and adventurous. I honestly don't even know what the full premise of the series is, but I know I want to read it. I think you have to be in the right mood to really get the most out of these books. Now there are even spinoffs of this series and I can't read those until I read these! Sheesh. One day...

The Experiment in Terror Series by Karina Halle
Most of my closest blogger friends have read and loved this series, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I absolutely love the premise and I look forward to what is apparently a strange and tumultuous romance. I've heard these have a big creep factor too, so I'm excited to read these while hiding under my covers. I even own the first few in the series so, really, there is no excuse!

The Kara Gillian Series by Diana Rowland
I adore Rowland's White Trash Zombie series, but I haven't started this one. I know the two are very different, but I usually love urban fantasy police procedurals so I don't know why I'm waiting for. A cop who conjures demons? Why yes, yes please. My best friend, who usually steers more toward romance, even yelled at me for not reading this series!

The White Trash Zombie Series by Diana Rowland
I think when this series first came out, I just wasn't that interested in zombies. Since then I've found that I love Rowland's Kara Gillian series and decided I really to read her other books. I fully intend to read this series. I just haven't gotten to it yet. I have it on my mental calendar for this summer, so hopefully it's coming off this list soon.

The Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant
Seanan McGuire is an autobuy for me. When Feed, her first book as Mira Grant was coming out, I read the excerpt and thought it sounded really good. But I never did read it. Maybe it's been a victim of my anti-zombie bias as well. I really do plan to read this series some day.

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
I saw the movie. I know everyone who read the books hates the movie and you're yelling at me through the screen right now. But it gave me a general idea what the story was about and convinced me that I wanted to read the books. My library didn't have this series in e-book until last year and they've always been checked out since. YA hardcovers are just too uncomfortable for me to read for very long. In fact, you know those other big, popular YA series that became movies? The Hunger Games, Divergent, Beautiful Creatures, Twilight? I haven't read any of those either.

Prospero's War Series by Jaye Wells
Urban fantasy police procedural? Heck yes! I'm all over that! Except we're three books in and I haven't started them yet. Whoops. Sad thing is that I have no idea why I haven't because I've made sure to buy them all as they've been released. I probably should read them soon before Gretl smacks me upside the head for not picking them up yet.

The Arcadia Bell Series by Jenn Bennett
Yet another really popular urban fantasy series that I haven't started but yet I own all the books. I read Jenn Bennett's Roaring Twenties series last year and I adored it! The writing, the action, the romance... I loved it all! So why haven't I read this series yet? I've heard nothing but great things about it. The only thing I can think of is that I've just not made the time to do so yet. I need a TARDIS or a time turner so I can get all these series read that I want to read.

The Jane Yellowrock Series by Faith Hunter
Have you ever been intimidated by the mix reviews for a series? The Jane Yellowrock books have been a very polarizing series amongst my urban fantasy reading friends. Some love it while others hate it. It has made me a bit wary to pick them up. What if I'm one of the ones who don't like them? I own the first four books. I just need to get over my fear and pick them up. Especially since I'm super interested in the first book of a spinoff series to this one that's coming out later this year. I just need to man up and read at least the first Jane book before that other series starts.

Tell us what books and/or series you've been meaning to read FOREVER and just haven't gotten around to yet!

Enter below to win a paperback copy of THE WITCH WITH NO NAME, the final book in The Hollows series by Kim Harrison!

(Must be 13 or older and live in the U.S. to enter)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 27, 2015

Read This F@!%ing Book! (37)

Welcome to a feature we post on Mondays called:

Read This F@!%ing Book!
This is a feature for us to push our favorite reads that just aren't getting enough attention! 
We're also opening it up to anyone who would like to guest post. Do you have a book that you just LURVED but feel like it's not getting the play it deserves? Email us to let us know and we'd be THRILLED to have you post about it here! Especially if its something we haven't reviewed yet - that's even better (but not necessary)! If you're interested email:

 This week's post comes from our very own: 
Read This F@!%ing Book Post 37: Downside Ghosts by Stacia Kane

Click covers for Goodreads

Why I'm Pushing It On You
Guys, let's chat. I consider a handful of series to be among my favorites in the UF/PNR world. But there are two series that I list as my top two all time favorites. One is the Fever series by KMM. Because, duh. The second one is the Downside Ghosts series by Stacia Kane. And for the love of Pete, I've never written a Read This F@!%ing Book post about it! Shame. I feel shame. Because while this series is known and loved by pretty much my entire circle of blogging and reading buddies, it is extremely underrated in the world of speculative fiction and I should have shoved this series down all of your throats earlier! Stacia Kane has written a very original and unique series that has been rivaled by no other. This series breaks my heart in unimaginable ways and then lifts my spirits and my hopes higher than they were to begin with. The romance, the heartache, the creepy ghosts, the murder mysteries, the drugs, the Terrible. Okay. I lost you with those last two, didn't I? See below.

Why I Love the Dark and Gritty
The Downside Ghosts series is dark and gritty adult urban fantasy, complete with grisly murders to be solved and scary ass ghosts that are not the friendly kind. This series is also kind of a dystopian, taking place in an alternate version of our world where ghosts have been proven real and are extremely dangerous. Our heroine here is Chess, a witch who works for the government which is known as the Church of Real Truth. She is also an insecure drug addict who grew up in foster homes filled with abuse. Her self-worth is below the bottom of the barrel and even though she's a powerful witch she is constantly breaking my heart with what she puts herself through. Some might be bothered by the drug use, but it just makes Chess' character deep, complex, and tragic. She grows as the series goes on and her small transformations are beautiful. The magic and the ghostly elements in the series are super cool, eerie, and very well written.

The romantic aspect of this series is the big, the bad, the Terrible. No, that's his name. Really. Ask someone who loves this series how they feel about Terrible. Go ahead, ask. They'll tell you how swoon worthy this giant enforcer can be. How his love for Chess and the way he protects her are second to none and will literally make you wish he was a real man. How his heartwrenchingly low view of himself almost rivals Chess'. The two of them are ridiculous for so long - clearly having strong feelings for each other and just continually screwing everything up. God, they messed me up. But, if you can hang on for a little bit of a ride, you will be rewarded. The ride is heavy with turmoil, but each glimmer of hope along the way is spectacular. Every arm brush, every kiss...and when they finally have sex? DEAR GOD I NEED NOTHING ELSE IN MY LIFE. And when the ride finally comes to a stop? Holy cow, will you be happy you stayed on.

There's a reason there is a whole section of the blog's sidebar dedicated to Terrible and Stacia Kane guys...for real. 

Are you interested in starting this series? Or do you already love it as much as I do and you're in the mood for a reread? I just began my first reread, listening to the audiobooks for the first time! If you want to join me let me know in the comments!

You can grab the books (Kindle versions are all under $6.00) or the audios (currently on sale for 50% off for members) for yourself here:

Unholy Ghosts: Amazon Audible  |  Unholy Magic: Amazon Audible
City of Ghosts: Amazon Audible  |  Sacrificial Magic: Amazon Audible
Chasing Magic: Amazon Audible  |  Wrong Ways Down: Amazon
Finding Magic: Amazon

Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep

Welcome to my stop on Cold Burn of Magic blog tour! Today, I am so excited to share my review of the first book in Jennifer Estep's latest YA series! We're huge fans of Jennifer Estep here at Goldilox and the Weres and we are so excited to be participating in this blog tour! So read on and make sure to check out the other stops on the tour!

New to this book? Here's the cover and blurb:

Cold Burn of Magic
(Black Blade #1)
Jennifer Estep
Release: April 28, 2015
Goodreads Amazon
There Be Monsters Here. . .

It's not as great as you'd think, living in a tourist town that's known as "the most magical place in America." Same boring high school, just twice as many monsters under the bridges and rival Families killing each other for power.

I try to keep out of it. I've got my mom's bloodiron sword and my slightly illegal home in the basement of the municipal library. And a couple of Talents I try to keep quiet, including very light fingers and a way with a lock pick.

But then some nasty characters bring their Family feud into my friend's pawn shop, and I have to make a call--get involved, or watch a cute guy die because I didn't. I guess I made the wrong choice, because now I'm stuck putting everything on the line for Devon Sinclair. My mom was murdered because of the Families, and it looks like I'm going to end up just like her. . .

Review by Rose Red:

I'm a huge fan of Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series! I always meant to pick up her previously published YA series but I never got around to it. When I first heard about Cold Burn of Magic, I immediately knew I had to read it! Magical mob families fighting for each other for power? Monsters lurking in the shadows everywhere? It all sounded fascinating! Aaahhh! This book was SO good, guys! SO good! It deserves all the love! It really does. And seriously, how can you not like a book with magical mob families and monsters?

The main character, Lila, has worked hard to keep herself hidden from the powerful magic families that rule Cloudburst Falls. To survive on her own, she does odd jobs that typically involve lying, cheating, and stealing. Lila finds herself in a bit of a situation when she saves the son of one of the most powerful families in town and ends up being blackmailed into working for them.

I was pleasantly surprised with this book! None of the characters were whiny and immature although most of them were in their late teens or early twenties. Yay! For throwing out an annoying popular trend! Lila was an awesome heroine! She was kickass and tough. And even though she had a rare magical power she didn’t rely on it. She made sure she could defend herself without using magic and I loved that!

Lila is realistic and practical and I loved that as much as I loved her snark and tenacity. She knows what she can and cannot do. She has street smarts and an attitude that ruffles more than a few feathers but she has the skills that allow her to back it up. She was independent and stood up for herself and those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. Lila breaks the mold of the whiny and TSTL YA heroine that has become so commonplace. Also, I can appreciate a heroine who has a deep appreciation and love for food! The amount of bacon Lila eats in this book is pretty epic!

All of the characters were well developed and not just Lila. Even the secondary characters are complex and had personalities of their own. I seriously loved Devon, Oscar, Mo, and Felix. Best part was that most of the characters could take care of themselves and no one was a pushover! I was so happy to find that there wasn't much of a romance in this book. No instalove or love triangle here! It was SO refreshing to read a YA book that didn’t revolve around the main character’s love life. I appreciated that the author took the time to develop relationships other than a romantic one. It’s awesome to see some solid friendships forming. To be fair, we do see the start of what could be a relationship later in the series. It’s going to be a nice slow burning one, and when it does blossom, I think it will be fantastic!

One of my favorite aspects of Cold Burn of Magic was the world building. I loved the idea of the magical mob families and their rivalries. The execution of this concept was on point! Seriously. The mob angle was such an awesome touch. This world while reminiscent of the world of Estep’s Elemental Assassin series was imaginative and unique in its own way. I loved all the elements of magic, and how the monsters had a traditional vibe about them. This book draws from the monsters of the old stories. You know the stories full of bridge tolls and monsters that will eat you in a heart beat? There are even lochness monsters in here! The monsters don’t play by any rules but their own. The monsters didn’t get as much page time as I would have liked so I hope we get to see them more in the next book.

While I loved the monsters, I genuinely enjoyed learning about the magic system and how it affects the world and the characters. I had a ball trying to guess what everyone’s Talent was. While the magic for each talent wasn’t exactly unique, I liked learning about all the different kinds. I’d love to have a Speed or Sight Talent! The plot was action-packed from start to finish. I was hooked almost from the first! It's definitely the kind of book that sweeps you away for an adventure and time will have no meaning. Most of my predictions were horribly wrong so I totally didn’t see the reveal of the main villain coming. While the storyline of this villain was resolved, Estep introduced several other villains and I'm intrigued to see how they come into play in the next books.

If you're looking for a fun, original, and action-packed YA paranormal book, with a great cast and a strong story, I highly recommend Cold Burn of Magic. Trust me go get this book! You'll fall in love with it as quickly and as much as I did! I can’t wait to get my hands on Dark Heart of Magic!!!

An eARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley.

  4.5 / 5 Stars!

Book 2 in the Black Blades series, Dark Heart of Magic, is set to come out on October 27, 2015!!!

Now For The Giveaway!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Blog Tour Schedule and Excerpt: Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep

We're huge fans of Jennifer Estep here at Goldilox and the Three Weres so we're really excited to be a part of the blog tour for Cold Burn of Magic, the first book in the Black Blade series! The book releases on April 28th. Below is the blog tour schedule and an excerpt from the book! Enjoy! Make sure to check out all the other stops and watch out for Rose Red's review later today!

Cold Burn of Magic (Black Blade #1)
by Jennifer Estep
Publisher: K-Teen
Release Date: April 28th 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
 photo addtogoodreadssmall_zpsa2a6cf28.png photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg
There Be Monsters Here. . .
It's not as great as you'd think, living in a tourist town that's known as "the most magical place in America." Same boring high school, just twice as many monsters under the bridges and rival Families killing each other for power. 
I try to keep out of it. I've got my mom's bloodiron sword and my slightly illegal home in the basement of the municipal library. And a couple of Talents I try to keep quiet, including very light fingers and a way with a lock pick. 
But then some nasty characters bring their Family feud into my friend's pawn shop, and I have to make a call--get involved, or watch a cute guy die because I didn't. I guess I made the wrong choice, because now I'm stuck putting everything on the line for Devon Sinclair. My mom was murdered because of the Families, and it looks like I'm going to end up just like her. . .


Bad things always come in threes.

Three strikes. Those three bears that Goldilocks ran into.

The three guards with swords who were chasing me right now.

“Come back here, you thief!” one of the guards bellowed, his voice booming across the dark rooftops.

I grinned and ran faster.

Thirty minutes ago, I had let myself into the lavishly furnished, but poorly protected brownstone of a rich, Family-affiliated accountant who had bought a ruby necklace for his girlfriend—something his wife didn’t exactly appreciate.

So I had been dispatched to swipe said necklace on the angry wife’s orders and dime. It had been child’s play to climb up the drainpipe to the second floor of the brownstone, pick open a balcony door, and slip inside. I hadn’t even had to break into the office safe, since the necklace had been nestled in a black velvet box, the top open, sitting on the accountant’s desk, the rubies sparkling for my greedy eyes to see. So I’d closed the lid and tucked the box with its necklace into my long, sapphire-blue trench coat.

Then I had rifled through the rest of the desk to see what else I could steal.

I’d been mildly surprised and rather pleased to come across a pair of diamond cufflinks tucked away in another box in one of the drawers. The diamonds weren’t as large and impressive as the rubies, but into my pockets they’d gone all the same, along with a gold fountain pen, a sterling silver letter opener, and a crystal paperweight.

Nothing that I hadn’t swiped dozens of times before in my seventeen years. In fact, this job had been easier than most of the ones that Mo had sent me on recently.

You might say that I was a sort of modern-day Robin Hood, merrily stealing from the rich. Only I never, ever gave my loot away for free. There were only three people in this world that I cared about—me, myself, and I. Well, maybe four, if you caught me on a good day and I felt like including Mo. Either way, Mo could fend for himself, and mine was quite enough of a mouth to feed, as far as I was concerned.

Once I made sure that all of the loot was securely tucked away in my coat pockets, I scanned the rest of the office. But the vases and other knickknacks were too awkward and oddly shaped for me to carry away, and the furniture was far too large and heavy.

Satisfied with my haul, I decided to leave. Which, of course, was the exact moment that one of the guards had stepped into the room to fetch the necklace for his boss.

He had yelled for his two buddies, they’d come crashing into the office, swords drawn, and I had beat a hasty retreat through a side door, up some stairs, and out onto the top of the brownstone before leaping onto the roof of the next house over … and the one after that … and the one after that …

Now, here I was, five minutes later, still racing across the rooftops of some of the nicer brownstones in Cloudburst Falls, West Virginia. The guards had been harder to shake than I’d expected, but I had a plan to take care of that.

I always had a plan.

Jennifer Estep is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance.
Her Elemental Assassin series follows the life and times of Gin “the Spider” Blanco, a barbecue restaurant owner who also happens to be an assassin with magical control over the elements of Ice and Stone.
The Mythos Academy series focuses on Gwen Frost, a 17-year-old Gypsy girl who has the ability to know an object’s history just by touching it. She studies at Mythos Academy, a school for the descendants of ancient warriors.
Her Bigtime paranormal romance books feature sexy superheroes, evil ubervillains, and smart, sassy gals looking for love.
Estep’s new Black Blade series is about 17-year-old thief Lila Merriweather, who has a Talent for sight, along with the ability to take magic others used against her to boost her own powers. She tries not to get involved with the Families who control much of the town, but ends up in the middle of a potential turf war.
Excerpts, free short stories, and more information on Jennifer's books can be found at

Addicted 2 Heroines - Interview
Ink of Blood - Review

The Best Books Ever - Review
Jessabella Reads - Review + Favorite Quotes
Curling Up With A Good Book - Promotional Post

No BS Book Reviews - Promotional Post
The Book Bratz - Review + Favorite Quotes

Elienora's Kindle - Promotional Post

Mom With A Kindle - Promotional Post
Library of a Book Witch - Review + Dream Cast + Playlist
Downright Dystopian - Review + Dream Cast

Addicted Readers - Promotional Post

A Backwards Story - Promotional Post