
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Review: Better Than People by Roan Parrish

Better Than People
(Garnet Run #1)
Roan Parrish
Release: August 25, 2020
Goodreads Amazon
It’s not long before their pet-centric arrangement sparks a person-centric desire…

Simon Burke has always preferred animals to people. When the countdown to adopting his own dog is unexpectedly put on hold, Simon turns to the PetShare app to find the fluffy TLC he’s been missing. Meeting a grumpy children’s book illustrator who needs a dog walker isn’t easy for the man whose persistent
anxiety has colored his whole life, but Jack Matheson’s menagerie is just what Simon needs.

Four dogs, three cats and counting. Jack’s pack of rescue pets is the only company he needs. But when a bad fall leaves him with a broken leg, Jack is forced to admit he needs help. That the help comes in the form of the most beautiful man he’s ever seen is a complicated, glorious surprise.

Being with Jack—talking, waking, making out—is a game changer for Simon. And Simon’s company certainly…eases the pain of recovery for Jack. But making a real relationship work once Jack’s cast comes off will mean compromise, understanding and lots of love.

I have been hooked on Roan Parrish's books since I fell in love with The Remaking of Corbin Wale. There’s just something about her books that hit you right in the feels but also feels like a hug. And I know going into one of her books that I will most likely love it to pieces. I also appreciate that several of her books have tackled some hard subjects like addiction, abusive relationships, and bad family relationships. She always does it in such a way that approaches each subject respectfully while giving me a whole new way to think about those things.

Better Than People was no exception and it gave me a whole new perspective on Simon's type of social anxiety. I quickly fell in love with grumpy Jack and his menagerie but Simon stole my heart from the first time he appeared on page. What I loved even more was these two fairly different people coming together to make something new. I loved their relationship so much! And the pack was super mismatched, quirky, and adorable! They made me want a pet so badly!

I loved the romance a whole heck of a lot but I think what I loved even more was the family relationships! Simon and his Grandmother was so adorable together! Can his Grandma become mine too? I also adored Jack's relationship with his brother as strained and tumultuous as he made it. I also loved Jack's friend group and I hope we see more of them in upcoming books.

In a year where reading contemporary has been a struggle, Better Than People was a bright spot in my reading. It was just the book I needed to read while I was trying to prepare to teach school in a pandemic. I hope there will be more books on this series especially one about Jack’s brother getting his happily ever after. I really fell in love with him! That being said, I'll read anything Roan Parrish writes and I can't wait to see what she does next!

ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

  4 / 5 Stars

My reviews of other books by this author:
The Remaking of Corbin Wale

 Book #51: Post Office (Sun) - Read a Romance that Started Online

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