
Friday, January 20, 2017

Weres Wanna Know: Favorite Kinds of Non-Review Posts?

Weres Wanna Know is a new discussion feature where we share a topic that's been on our minds and invite you to share your thoughts as well.

When I was thinking about my blogging goals for the year, I had the thought that I want to do more posts that aren't reviews. Don't get me wrong, I love writing reviews but I'm also wanting to shake things up a bit. I get bored doing the same thing over and over again. I want to stretch my wings creatively but still talk about books. So today, I want to ask the following question: 

What Are Your Favorite Kinds of Non-Review Posts?

As I thinking about this topic, the first and only thing that came to mind for the longest time was that I want to do more Weres Wanna Know discussion posts. I love getting to talk about bookish things and have discussions with you all in the comments. I have several ideas for posts so I'm hoping to be more consistent in posting those this year.

So more discussion posts. Check. But what other posts could I do? For the life of me, I couldn't think of anything else for a few days. Then several ideas hit me all at once.

For those of you who don't know, I kind of love watching Booktube videos. I really love all the different types of videos that people make but I don't think I'd ever want to personally make them. I leave that to Goldilox. One of the best things about Booktube is seeing the different books that people are excited for and what books they buy. I even like seeing how people organize their shelves. But I especially love watching book tags. So this year, I'm going to try to do one or two tag posts each month. If you have any suggestions of tags you'd like to see done, please leave a comment.

There are a lot of popular weekly memes in the book blogging community. In fact, we're switching things up this year on the blog. Instead of doing the Waiting on Wednesday meme we've done for the last few years, we've decided to do Top 5 Wednesday. I'm really excited for this change! I love making bookish lists!

But there are so many other memes that we don't participate in that I still enjoy reading every week. One of my favorites is Top Ten Tuesday by The Broke and the Bookish. I love both books and lists so any meme where I get to make bookish lists is a match made in heaven! I love seeing everyone's different lists for the same topics. We recently did our year end Goldilox and the Top Ten Lists feature where we talked about our favorite books of last year in different categories. I loved doing those posts so I'm thinking I may use  a Top Ten Tuesday topic every once in a while and slip in a few Top Ten List posts this year. I think it sounds fun!

What are your favorite non-review posts?
Do you have any suggestions on posts you'd like to see us do?
Let's discuss!

If you have a topic you'd like to see discussed in a Weres Wanna Know post, let us know in the comments, send us a Facebook message, or email

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