
Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Reading Challenges & Goals

We had a pretty exciting 2014 here at Goldilox and the Three Weres, and we've got some good stuff in store for 2015 as well. That includes expanding our reading horizons and trying new things. Here's a look at what reading challenges each of us are participating in and links if you'd like to sign up too. Share your goals and challenges with us in the comments.
I haven't done a reading challenge before, other than setting a goal for the year on Goodreads, but a library challenge is something I can definitely get behind. So I'm doing the Snagged at the Library Challenge hosted by Geeky Bloggers and The Book Nympho in 2015.

Here's why I love the library: I mostly check out e-books from my library and it's almost as easy as one-clicking on Amazon, but it's FREE. I can request they add books that don't have - I haven't had a request denied yet. I often get new releases on release day - usually about an hour sooner than my Kindle pre-orders download. And for really popular authors, like Kim Harrison and Richelle Mead, the titles are listed a few weeks before the release so I can get on the wait list. The only catch is that there are limits on how many people can check out a title at once, so you have to get on the list if you want it on release day.

My other goal besides shrinking down my library wish list, which is close to 200 books, is to get better about rating and reviewing books on the library's website. Just like leaving an Amazon review, it's another way to help my favorite authors find new readers. And I want to make sure the library keeps buying the series I want to read.

I'm going for Overdrive Junkie (36 books) and I've created a Goodreads shelf to keep track. If you want to do the Challenge with me, sign up here. I've already read 2.

I fell in love with audiobooks in the last two years and now they make up at least one-third of my yearly reading. So of course I'm joining the 2015 Audiobook Challenge again, hosted by The Book Nympho and Hot Listens. If you're interested in joining this challenge you can sign up HERE.

For this challenge I'm going for Binge Listener, which is 20- 30 audiobooks in the year, but I'm hoping to be on the upper end of this level.

I'm participating in the TBR Jar Challenge this year that was created by Kat from Katytastic. I selected fourteen bookish challenges, wrote them on strips of paper, and put them into a jar. Each month I'm going to draw a challenge that I'll have to complete before the next month begins. These challenges will add a degree of randomness to my TBR each month while letting me have the freedom to choose a book that fits my mood. I'm going to do two challenges a month during June and July. As for the challenges, I used some of the ones Kat did plus some of my own choosing. The following are what went into my jar:
  1. Read a book with 500+ pages
  2. Reread a favorite book
  3. Read a 2015 debut novel
  4. Read a book that someone else picks
  5. Listen to an audiobook
  6. Read a book with magic
  7. Read a new-to-you author
  8. Read a classic novel
  9. Read a series finale
  10. Read a book you own and haven't read
  11. Read a graphic novel
  12. Read a series finale
  13. Read a book published this year
  14. Read a book with a number/color in the title
This sounds like a reading challenge that is right up my alley. I can't wait to start!

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these challenges. I wish my library was better about adding ebooks. They're pretty good about physical copies, be it books or CDs, but I haven't had much luck when requesting digital. I'm also doing the Audiobook Challenge. I'm doing something similar to the list above too, where I've got a list of different random things to complete throughout the year. Mine don't have to be from the TBR jar, though. Good luck!


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