
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Audio Review: Sixth Grave On the Edge by Darynda Jones

Sixth Grave On the Edge
(Charley Davidson #6)
Author: Darynda Jones
Narrator: Lorelei King
Release: May 20, 2014
Goodreads  Amazon
Few things in life can come between a grim reaper and her coffee, but the sexy, sultry son of Satan is one of them. Now that Reyes Farrow has asked for her hand, Charley Davidson feels it's time to learn more about his past, but Reyes is reluctant to open up. When the official FBI file of his childhood abduction lands in her lap, Charley decides to go behind her mysterious beau’s back and conduct her own investigation. Because what could go wrong?
Unfortunately, another case has fallen into her lap—one with dangerous implications. Some very insistent men want Charley to hunt down a witness who is scheduled to testify against their boss, a major player in the local crime syndicate. If Charley doesn't come up with an address in 48 hours, the people closest to her will start to disappear.

Add to that a desperate man in search of the soul he lost in a card game, a dogged mother determined to find the ghost of her son, and a beautiful, young Deaf boy haunted by his new ability to see the departed as clearly as he sees the living, and Charley has her hands full. The fact that Reyes has caught on to her latest venture only adds fuel to the inferno that he is. Good thing for Charley she's used to multi-tasking and always up for a challenge…especially when that challenge comes in the form of Reyes Farrow.


I adore the Charley Davidson series. I read every book shortly after its released and I always love them. Darynda Jones is an official auto-buy author for questions asked. What I hadn't done, however, was try out this series on audio. For Sixth Grave On the Edge I decided to give the audiobook a try, since its one of the highest rated and most loved series on audio in the genre. And......I LOVED it!

Charley is back again and just as spunky, air-headed, and hilarious as ever. In Sixth Grave she is contemplating her decision as to whether or not to marry Reyes, which is the cliff hanger we were left with in the previous book. Charley and Reyes are so funny together! Such a weird balance of her humor and his darkness. I love them SO much and Reyes was as sexy as ever in this one. Readers will definitely be able to see how he is the current reigning winner of the Alpha Showdown (Vampire Book Club blog)! He's strong and lethal and SEXY!

In this book we learn a little more about who/what Charley is and her purpose, as well as some more of Reyes' background while on Earth. I'm aways amazed by the control Darynda Jones has in these books. She gives readers just a little bit at a time in each installment and she must be the most amazing planner ever to know just how much she wants to dole out in each book. Of course, she always leaves us wanting more more more! And, also as usual, we are left with another cliffhanger to keep us salivating until the next book!

Thank goodness we won't need to wait long. The seventh book will be out this October.  :)

Notes on the Narrator:Lorelei King is the perfect Charley. It took me a couple chapters to adore her, because I had always heard the pitch of Charley's voice a little different in my head, but once I got used to her version of Charley I loved her as the narrator. It's awesome to hear all Charley's hilarity in audio, especially all her great moments with Cookie. And her Reyes is wonderful. Spot on.

Recommended for fans of: humorous romance, mysteries, grim reaper stories, sexy Alpha Sons of Satan.



  1. I have listened to the whole series by audiobook and absolutely love it too!!!

  2. I started this series on audio and I can't imagine reading and not listening. King does a wonderful job and had my eyes watering in this book and laughing out loud in other parts. My favorite series ever on audio.


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