
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Goldilox Goes to Coastal Magic Con + Giveaway!

So, two weeks ago I went to an awesome con called Coastal Magic in Daytona Beach! I had a BLAST and its taken me this long to gather myself enough to write my wrap up post. And just for listening to me rant about my fun times and look at my silly pictures you get a giveaway!

So, here is my weekend in pictures:

FIRST, my room with a gorgeous view of the beach!

NEXT, pictures of a few panels, including the famous Flash Fiction panel!

Carrie Ann Ryan, Mari Mancusi, Aria Kane, James Tuck, Rosario Dawson, Jess Haines

Damon Suede, Alex Hughes, Shannon K. Butcher, Kristen Painter, Sara Humphreys, Kait Ballenger

Amy Lane, Kiernan Kelly

AND Me with awesome authors!!!

Amanda Carlson and JA Souders

Chelsea M. Cameron

Kait Ballenger and Kristen Painter

Lucienne Diver and Molly Harper

Sandy Williams x 2!

Sarah Ross and her #1 fan

FINALLY some odds and ends, my blogging buddies, and some authors I call friends!

Laser Tag team: Jenese from Readers Confession, Laura from Little Read Riding Hood, me, Kait Ballenger, and Jenese hubby Pablo!

Me and Jenese

Laura, Jenese, me, and Chelsea

Laura, me, and Jenese


Me and my zombie goblet - made by Kiernan Kelly!!! - prize won in a panel

So there you have it!
 I hope to see more bloggers, readers, and authors at next year's event!

I have three giveaway bundles for you guys! I will pick three winners, one for each bundle. Since I'll be shipping these myself this will be US only. Each bundle includes 2 - 3 books from authors at the Coastal Magic itself or from the event's charity signing, bookmarks and postcards, and other fun promo items!

Bundle #1 - REVELATIONS by J.A. Souders (signed by the author!) and THE BIG FAT DEMON SLAYER WEDDING by Angie Fox

Bundle #2 - THE BIG FAT DEMON SLAYER WEDDING by Angie Fox, CALLUM by Melissa Shroeder, and LOVE IN THE TIME OF THE DEAD by Tera Shanley

Bundle #3 - THE SHADOW READER by Sandy Williams, CALLUM by Melissa Shroeder, and THE DEATH DEALER by Rane Sjodin

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the Zombie Goblet. Very cool! I have attended two book conferences. I hope I can attend more in the future. It is so much fun to hang out with other readers, meet the authors and just get so fun downtime.

    1. Isn't that thing awesome!?!?!? I want to go to more cons too. They are so much fun and there is nothing like them! :)

  2. I am not entering as I already have all that stuff! (still in my trunk 2 weeks later, I am scared to bring it in the house!) But great post. I don't feel so bad for not having mine up yet ;-)

    1. I just finished unpacking my suitcase this weekend........

  3. Looks like it was a ton of fun! I love meeting my favorite authors!!
    Plus you were right by the beach, best of both worlds!!


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