
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Soul Screamers Read-A-Long - Before I Wake Discussion

Soul Screamers Series
Hosted by me, Christen @ Goldilox and the Three Weres, and Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood!

Discussion #6

Welcome to the sixth Soul Screamers Read-A-Long discussion!
This month, we are discussing this book:

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers #6)

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)


Leave your comments, questions, praise, fangirling, wails, and moans in the comments below!

This time around, Laura and I decided to interview each other about the book. You can see her answers to my questions HERE!

Here are the questions Laura had for me, along with my answers!

1. Do you feel sorry for Sabine? Why or why not?

I do, actually. Chick can't catch a break! Even though she's not always the best person, she really does love Nash whole heartedly and, even though I originally didn't want them together, I'd like to see Sabine get her man in the end.

2. What do you think are going to be Kaylee's biggest issues being 16 for the rest of her life?

Man, a lot of them that's for sure. She will always have to pretend she's either in high school or college. She won't ever get to be an official grown up. She also won't be able to ever have children since she's technically dead and I'm sure that will be an issue for her the longer she's around.

3. I like that there is a family involved here - how do you think things would be different if Kaylee didn't have the support of her friends and family?

I think, for Kaylee, having her family and friends keeps her good. It would be easy now that she's dead to go bad really fast. Tod even talks about that a little in this book. Thank goodness her dad will live a long time since he's a banshee and most of her friends are supernatural in some way.

4. THE END! How many times did you have to read that before you believed that just happened? How does that get explained to the rest of the world?

I was listening on audio and I really thought something had happened with my Audible app! I closed the app and reopened it twice to replay the ending. None of the other books have ended so suddenly, so that was really shocking! I am REALLY anticipating how that little situation will play out in the final book!!!
Leave your your thoughts and anything else you want to say about Before I Wake in the comments below!
Read-A-Long Schedule:
Join us August 15th for the final discussion!

February 15:
My Soul To Take (#1) and My Soul to Lose (novella # 0.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1) My Soul to Lose (Soul Screamers, #0.5)

March 15:
My Soul to Save (#2)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, #2)

April 15:
My Soul to Keep (#3) and Reaper (novella #3.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3) Reaper (Soul Screamers, #3.5)

May 15:
My Soul to Steal (#4)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Steal (Soul Screamers, #4)

June 15:
If I Die (#5) and Never to Sleep (novella #5.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5) Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers, #5.5)

July 15:
Before I Wake (#6)
@Little Read Riding Hood

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)

August 15:
With All My Soul (#7)
@Goldilox and the Three Weres
With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)

Your hosts:

 Little Read Riding Hood


  1. Sabine...pfft. ;) Just kidding, she drives me nuts with her one track Nash mind but I guess I can't help but feel a tad bit sorry for her.

  2. I am thinking of reading the last one early ... you? :-P


I love to read comments!