
Thursday, July 4, 2013

2014 Coastal Magic Convention

Coastal Magic Convention
Formerly Olde City New Blood

Hi everyone!!! If you're reading this blog, chances are you're a huge fan of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Luckily for you... there a con for that! 

This week, Coastal Magic Convention is opening public registration for next year's weekend of awesome with authors and readers of UF/PNR fiction. February 6-9, in Daytona Beach, FL, we'll be hanging out, chatting, and participating in general tomfoolery with some fantastic people. 

The Featured Authors are names that you'll recognize immediately (random sqeeing is permitted, although tacklehugs must be announced and approved prior to the weekend), and some are bound to become new favorites. 

Here are just *some* of the Featured Authors I'm personally most excited for:

Sandy Williams
Amanda Carlson
Suzanne Johnson
Cynthia Eden
Angie Fox
Molly Harper
Jess Haines
Kristen Painter

Plus many many many more!!!

Join us for panels, meet & greets, bad movie snarking, and all around fun times. 

Registration is only $70 for the weekend's full schedule of panels, meet & greets, large author signing, and Character Mixer. There are a few special activities that will require additional tickets. These activities are limited in number, and are very reasonably priced. More details are available on the Coastal Magic Convention website. 

Last year's inaugural event (Olde City, New Blood in St. Augustine, FL) was a blast. I'm confident that this year's party will be even more fun!! 

As a special treat... NYT Bestselling author Kevin J Anderson (who won't be with us this year, due to scheduling conflicts) has offered up a gift for the first 50 people who register during this Blog Blast!!! Huge thanks to Kevin for that, and we hope to have him with us next year! (Gift will be included in your welcome bag at the event.)

So... check out the Featured Author list (which is still growing, by the way!!)

the other Featured & Registered Bloggers (like ME!!)

and get yourself registered for a fantastic weekend with friends and storytellers. Added bonus?? We'll be in FLORIDA... by the beach... in FEBRUARY!!! I'd call that a win on many levels, lol!! 

See you all there!!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome lineup! Why must I live in California?!?

    Paranormal Haven


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