
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Soul Screamers Series Read-A-Long - Discussion #5: If I Die + Never to Sleep

Soul Screamers Series
Hosted by me, Christen @ Goldilox and the Three Weres, and Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood!

Discussion #5

Welcome to the fifth Soul Screamers Read-A-Long discussion!
This month, we are discussing these books:

If I Die (Soul Screamers #5)
Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers #5.5)

If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5)   Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers, #5.5)


Leave your comments, questions, praise, fangirling, wails, and moans in the comments below!

Discussion Questions:

If I Die
1. What did you think the ending to this book would be? Did you think Kaylee would actually die? Were you surprised when she did?
2. How do you think Kaylee's "new job" will affect her life?
3. How do you think Kaylee's "new job" is different from Tod's?
4. Do you think Nash will ever calm down and understand what really happened?
5. Do you think Tod and Kaylee will stay together? Will Nash and Sabine get back together?

Never to Sleep
6. How did you like reading from Sophie's POV? Did it make you like her more or less?
7. How do you think Sophie will react when she is told the truth about everything now that she has seen the Netherworld?

Leave your answers to the discussion questions, or anything else you want to say, in the comments below!
Read-A-Long Schedule:
Join us July 15th for the next discussion!

February 15:
My Soul To Take (#1) and My Soul to Lose (novella # 0.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1) My Soul to Lose (Soul Screamers, #0.5)

March 15:
My Soul to Save (#2)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, #2)

April 15:
My Soul to Keep (#3) and Reaper (novella #3.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3) Reaper (Soul Screamers, #3.5)

May 15:
My Soul to Steal (#4)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Steal (Soul Screamers, #4)

June 15:
If I Die (#5) and Never to Sleep (novella #5.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5) Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers, #5.5)

July 15:
Before I Wake (#6)
@Little Read Riding Hood
Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)

August 15:
With All My Soul (#7)
@Goldilox and the Three Weres
With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)

Your hosts:

 Little Read Riding Hood


  1. If I Die
    1.I kept waiting for them to say "just kidding" because I DID NOT think she would actually die. I thought Tod would come and save the day at the last minute.
    2. I don't see how she is going to go to school! I mean, why bother at that point. And she can spend all her time with Tod. The REAL question is if they will finally "do it" already.
    3. I don't know and I am anxious to find out!
    4. Gosh I hope so. I still want them to be able to be friends eventually and I do want Nash happy.
    5. I think eventually they will all be happy. Or at least I really really hope so.

    Never to Sleep
    6. I liked her more reading her POV. It helped me empathize with her a bit.
    7. She is going to be PISSED.

  2. 1. I was really worried that she wouldn't die at the end and to me, after the WHOLE book is about her being about to die, that would have been such a cop out. I was really surprised that she did actually die at the end and I'm really excited about the 'new' Kaylee. The author really took a chance doing that to a character five books into a series!
    2. I have no idea what Kaylee's limitations will be but I'm excited to find out! Knowing Kaylee, she will probably want to go to school though and try to be as normal as possible for as long as possible.
    3. I'm really interested to learn exactly what her knew job will be. That lady was very vague. If I were Kaylee I would have asked A LOT more questions first!
    4. Hopefully. I don't think he's been such an important character for so long just to suddenly become an enemy. I think when he's gets completely off frost he might be better.
    5. I hope Tod and Kaylee stay together because I was so surprised and so so so pleased when they got together. I really never thought that would happen as much as I wanted it to. I still haven't decided if Nash is supposed to be with Sabine though.

    Never to Sleep
    6. Yes, it definitely made me like her more. She was less obnoxious!
    7. Hopefully she will finally understand Kaylee a little better. With only two books left in this series I would really like them to become a little closer.


I love to read comments!