
Monday, June 24, 2013

Read This F@!%ing Book (15)

Welcome to a feature I'm going to post on Mondays called:

Read This F@!%ing Book!

This is a feature for me to push my favorite reads that just aren't getting enough attention! 

I'm also opening it up to anyone who would like to guest post. Do you have a book that you just LURVED but feel like its not getting the play it deserves? Email me to let me know and I'd be THRILLED to have you post about it here! Especially if its something I haven't reviewed yet - that's even better (but not necessary)! If you're interested email me:

This week's post comes from Ruby @ Ruby's Reads
Ruby's Reads

Read This F@!%ing Book Post 15: The Haven Series

Why I'm pushing it:
Kalayna Price is best known for her Alex Craft series, but the Haven books are way better. I mean, sure, Grave Witch has a smokin' hot character named death, but the Haven books have shifters and sexy shower scenes. I'll be honest, though. I'm pushing this series for an extremely selfish reason. If more people start reading it, I just may get to read book three, Third Blood someday soon. I don't want to point fingers, but I totally blame Third Blood's many publication delays on the success of Alex Craft.

Why I love it:
There are lots of reasons I love this series (from the characters to the world-building), but one of my favorite aspects is the basic premise. Kita, the heroine, is a cat shifter who ran away from her clan because her father (and leader) made the guy she loved (and her childhood best friend and her only ally in the clan) marry another woman. Then, as if life on the run didn't suck enough, she's attacked and turned into a vampire. Boy, just when you thought things couldn't get worse.
As a newly turned vampire, Kita struggles to understand her new identity. Drinking blood, living with her vampire maker and dealing with vampire politics all suck, but what sucks worst is that she's lost touch with her cat. She can't change anymore and if she can't change, that alters everything she thought she knew about herself. This internal struggle adds depth to all the eternal problems she faces and makes for a powerhouse of a series.

Nathaniel, Kita's vampire sire, is more than worth mentioning. Oh,'re patient, long-suffering and majorly awesome all at once. I usually come down on the side of shifters, but Nathaniel is the clear winner here. His chemistry with Kita is smokin', not to mention made of that fantabulous achingly slow burn I love so much. I don't know where their relationship is headed, but boy do I want to follow.
Have you read this book?
Did Ruby persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Let us know in the comments below!


  1. Excellent Pick Ruby! I'm still waiting to read book # 3 to see what happens to Kita & Nathaniel :)

  2. I've had at least the first two books in this series for a years and I've read her Alex Craft series and never put two and two together. I'll have to dig these up (I think they're on my little used Sony reader) and give them a shot.


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