
Monday, June 3, 2013

Read This F@!%ing Book! (13)

Welcome to a feature I'm going to post on Mondays called:

Read This F@!%ing Book!

This is a feature for me to push my favorite reads that just aren't getting enough attention! 

I'm also opening it up to anyone who would like to guest post. Do you have a book that you just LURVED but feel like its not getting the play it deserves? Email me to let me know and I'd be THRILLED to have you post about it here! Especially if its something I haven't reviewed yet - that's even better (but not necessary)! If you're interested email me:

Read This F@!%ing Book Post 13: Daughter of the Sword

(Click cover for Goodreads)

(Click title for Amazon)

Why I'm pushing it:
I think this unique book didn't get enough attention from urban fantasy readers and I want to help open up that world to a very different kind of fantasy. This book was almost like a palette cleanser for me, something fresh and different to read in between urban fantasies with all their typical tropes. This book, and subsequent series, has enough UF elements to satisfy readers who love that genre, but enough unique elements that readers will feel refreshed when finished.

Why I love it: 
I was drawn into the combination of the contemporary story of Mariko, a police detective, and all the background stories from ancient Japan through Word War II. While there isn't really a romance to speak of, I had my own little romance with Japan through this book and I often found myself enjoying the chapters with background stories more than the main storyline.

Daughter of the Sword just really brought the country to life for me. If you are like me and love Eastern culture or Japanese culture then this book is a must read for you! If you felt like Japan was almost another character for you in books like Memoirs of a Geisha or Stormdancer then you will love every chapter that tells the stories of the three cursed blades throughout history.

With the release of the next in the series, this one focusing on Mariko's hunt for a legendary iron demon mask and -I'm sure- the Japanese history behind the mask, coming in October I figured now was as good a time as any to push Daughter of the Sword!

Year of the Demon (Fated Blades, #2)

Have you read this book?
Did I persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I have not heard of this series. I'll have to add it to GR.

  2. I'm so going to add this to GR!! I love Japan and it's culture! probably from watching too much anime when I was a kid. I need to find time to read this!!

  3. I read it. I enjoyed it, but would only give it a 3 star out of 5. It didn't make me want to rush out and get the next book.


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