
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Birthday Bash: Amanda Bonilla Gives the Low Down on Her Men Plus Giveaway!

Button created by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews

Welcome to day #7 of my Birthday Bash!

My birthday is May 18th but YOU guys are getting the presents! Stop by every day this week for author interviews, guest posts, and giveaways galore!

Here's the schedule for the week:

Sun. 5/12: Rachel Vincent and Jennifer Armentrout
Jennifer Interviews Rachel + Giveaway!
Mon. 5/13: Delilah Dawson
5 Crazy Characters That Haven't Been Written Yet + Giveaway!
Tues. 5/14: Bethany Griffin
5 YA Releases I'm Looking Forward To + Giveaway! 
Wed. 5/15: Bec McMaster
Interview + Giveaway!
Thur. 5/16: Amanda Carlson
Top 10 Favorite UF/PNR Characters + Giveaway!
Fri. 5/17: J.A. Souders
Interview + Giveaway!
Sat. 5/18: Amanda Bonilla
Book Characters Hanging Out + Giveaway!

Today Amanda Bonilla gives us the low down on the men of her series!


Check out her post, then enter to win copies of all three Shaede Assassin books!

Book Characters Hangin’ Out
Thanks so much to Christen for inviting me to be a guest today!
My teen is reading Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid Chronicles in his Critical Reading class. I’m not gonna lie, I’m proud of myself for getting him to try the series, and so far he’s really wrapped up in the story lines. Anyone who can inspire my kid to read a book from cover to cover deserves my undying praise and that’s why Kevin Hearne will forever be my hero. But I digress… We were talking about the series and the teen wanted to discuss the reasons behind Atticus’s decision to go after Thor even though he’d been warned time and again not to. If he knows it’s going to end up badly, why bother? I told him that Atticus was bound by his honor. That he’d given his word to Leif and if he went back on his word, he’d have no honor. My teen and I were talking books! Woohoo! But it also got me thinking about the guysin The Shaede Assassin series. Could they all get along and set off on a mission, bound by their word and honor. And for that matter, would they get along with Atticus, or would the mission be doomed from the start?


A reader's choice for Raif. Not. Too. Shabby. ;)

Raif and Atticus would get along, I think. Both are very practical, no nonsense sort of guys. They’re men of action who don’t waste time on words. And they’re both warriors who fought bloody battles in a time where you had to look your enemy in the eye before running a sword through this chest. Like Atticus, Raif is bound by his honor. Once he’s given his word, it’s unbreakable. No one would ever think to question Raif’s honor. He’s admired by his peers, respected and feared by his foes. Once Raif sets his sights on you, you better kiss your butt good-bye.

Taylor Kitsch has always been my idea of Tyler.

Whereas I could totally see Raif and Atticus having a mutual respect for one another, I tend to think that Atticus might not have much patience for my wish-granting Jinn. Whereas honor means a lot to the Iron Druid, he’s not real big on following the rules. And if there’s one thing Tyler’s a stickler about, it’s the rules. He’s bound by the rules that define him and the wishes he grants, not to mention a certain sassy Shaede assassin. No matter how much the rules bother him, Tyler won’t be swayed to break them. In a world without order, chaos rules. And my uptight genie just wouldn’t be able to deal with the chaos.

Charlie Hunnam IS Xander Peck. LOL!

Whereas Raif is pragmatic and self-possessed, Xander can is rash and passionate. The two brothers couldn’t be more different. Like Tyler and Raif, Xander is also bound to something that takes precedence in his life: his kingdom. He might be arrogant, frivolous, spoiled, and demanding, but he would never do anything to jeopardize his people or his kingdom. He takes his role as leader very seriously and will do whatever it takes to protect his throne. And while he’d probably approve of Atticus’s quest, I doubt Xander would be a willing participant. Not if it risked his crown.

What series characters would you like to see interact with one another? Maybe Cat and Bones solving a mystery with Mercy Thompson? Or the Black Dagger Brotherhood paying a visit to Bon Temps?
Amanda Bonilla lives in rural Idaho with her husband and two kids. She’s a part-time pet wrangler, a full-time sun worshipper, and only goes out into the cold when coerced. When she’s not writing she’s either reading or talking about her favorite books.

Enter to win the following:

All 3 Shaede Assassin books!

This giveaway is US/CAN!

All Birthday Bash giveaways end on May 22nd at 11:59pm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd love to see Barron's with the BDB...although I'm not real confident with all that testosterone everyone would survive.

  2. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a fabulous day!

  3. I would love to see Darian connect with Jennifer Esteps, Spider assassin, maybe working on helping someone together.
    Also, Caris Roan's Warriors meeting Lara Adrian's Midnight Breeds.
    Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy BDAY! I would love to see the Kate Daniels (Ilona Andrews) world interact with Elena Micheals (Kelley Armstrong)

  5. I would like to see Feehan's Carpathian's interact with some of Kenyon's characters.
    Happy Birthday!

  6. I'd like to see Jennifer Estep's Gin Blanco and Finn Lane (Elemental Assassin series) interact with Cherie Priest's Raylene Pendle and her friend, Adrian deJesus (Cheshire Red Reports series).

  7. Great giveaway! I love the premise of the series. dsr002(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. Happy Birthday!!! I would like to see Black Dagger Brothers interact with Demonica characters (Larissa Ione).


  9. Happy Birthday! I'd love to see Jennifer Estep's Gin Blanco from the Elemental Assassin series bump heads w/ Darin from Amanda's series :)

  10. Happy belated Birthday to you! I would love to see Gin Blanco and a character not many of you know, Annja Creed from the Rogue Angel series, meet up and kick ass!

  11. Happy Birthday! I've wanting to read this series since forever. It sounds fantastic, thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Happy Birthday and thank you for being an author and writing .....and giving too!

  13. I havent read the series,yet but i have been wanting to! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  14. I've heard only good about this series! How exciting!!!

  15. Happy Bday and thanks for the giveaway!

  16. cool, thanks for the opportunity. Books are on my list ...

  17. I have been wanting to read this series. Thanks for giving us your birthday gifts!

  18. What a generous giveaway, all three books. Squeee.

  19. I haven't read this series yet but I've heard many good things about it! It's on my TBR list! Thank you for the giveaway!


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