
Monday, April 15, 2013

Soul Screamers Series Read-A-Long - Discussion #3: My Soul to Keep + Reaper!

Soul Screamers Series
Hosted by me, Christen @ Goldilox and the Three Weres, and Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood!

Discussion #3

Welcome to the third Soul Screamers Read-A-Long discussion!
This month, we are discussing these books:

My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers #3)
Reaper (Soul Screamers #3.5)


Leave your comments, questions, praise, fangirling, wails, and moans in the comments below!

Discussion Questions:

My Soul to Keep
1. Did you notice Nash's odd behavior right away? Did you suspect what was causing it?
2. What's your opinion of how Kaylee handled the Nash situation throughout the book and in the end?
3. What do you think about Alec? Will he become a bigger player in the future?
4. Will Kaylee's cousine Sophie EVER be let in on the family secret?
5. Okay, let's talk about Tod. Do you LURVE him? Hate him? Wish there was a 'Tod and Kaylee'? Or content to have have Tod as a side character?

6. How did you like the time frame Vincent chose for Tod's novella? Were you happy with where the story started and stopped? Were you shocked about the accident and Tod's choice?
7. How and when do you think Tod revealed himself to Nash?

Leave your answers to the discussion questions, or anything else you want to say, in the comments below!
Read-A-Long Schedule:
Join us May 15th for the next discussion!

February 15:
My Soul To Take (#1) and My Soul to Lose (novella # 0.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1) My Soul to Lose (Soul Screamers, #0.5)

March 15:
My Soul to Save (#2)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, #2)

April 15:
My Soul to Keep (#3) and Reaper (novella #3.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres
My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3) Reaper (Soul Screamers, #3.5)

May 15:
My Soul to Steal (#4)
@ Little Read Riding Hood
My Soul to Steal (Soul Screamers, #4)

June 15:
If I Die (#5) and Never to Sleep (novella #5.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres
If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5) Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers, #5.5)

July 15:
Before I Wake (#6)
@Little Read Riding Hood
Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)

August 15:
With All My Soul (#7)
@Goldilox and the Three Weres
With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)

Your hosts:

 Little Read Riding Hood


  1. My thoughts:

    1. I kept thinking, WTF is up with Nash? He is being SUCH an ass to Kaylee in this book! As the story went on I started to think he might be using, but I was still a little surprised to find out that he really was.

    2. Frankly, I thought she was a little to easy on him when she caught him Influencing her multiple times - especially during making out! And I was surprised her dad didn't flip his lid when he did it right in from of him! I was glad to see her decision in the end. He's going to have to work to earn her back and she better make him work for it.

    3. Alec is quite the mystery. I'm sure we'll learn more about him in the next one, but I'm wondering if he's not human, what is he?

    4. Will Kaylee's cousine Sophie EVER be let in on the family secret?

    5. Guys. You know my passion for all things Tod. I lurve him to bits and I wish this series was about Kaylee eventually falling for Tod. Who knows, maybe it will be? Wouldn't that be a twist!!!

    6. I figured Tod's novella would tell the story of how he died and how he became a reaper. I really loved the way it ended. Vincent doesn't skimp on Tod's darker side and play it safe at all. I just wish we could have overlapped with him revealing himself to Nash and then meeting Kaylee or something.

    7. I wish I knew. Did they talk about that in the first book? I would have liked to have seen that scene between them b/c I bet it was powerful. Maybe its discussed in later books?

    This one was SO good!!! I'm so curious where things will go in the next book with Nash's addiction and Nash and Kaylee's relationship? And what will happen to Addi? Is she gonzos?

  2. 1. Nash was really pissing me off. So yes, I noticed it right away but it took a minute for me to realize what was happening.
    2. Kaylee pissed me off less in this. She had some tough stuff to deal with and at her age I doubt I could have handled it any better.
    3. I have one dollar that says we get a Kaylee + Alec connection going on.
    4. I hope Sophie gets informed. Things would make so much more sense to her. I feel bad for her eve as I hate her face.
    5. I love Tod and I want him happy, but I don't think Kaylee is for him.
    6. & 7. I think it was a good spot for his story. I think it would have made more sense after book 2, but I am not complaining. I wish it would have shown Tod meeting Nash again, because I would love to know how that came about. I have another dollar that Nash finds out the truth at some point. Or at least Kaylee does.

  3. OOH A Kaylee + Alec hookup! I hadn't really thought of that. That could be very possible if he turns out to be as honest as he seemed. Hopefully he wasn't lying about thinking he was human or something.

    Also, I missed a question. Oops, Monday Brain!
    #5 - Sophie, Sophie, Sophie...lord have mercy what a bi-otch. I hope she finds out because she should feel bad about being such a lunatic to Kaylee all the time. And she kind of deserves to know the secret HER ENTIRE FAMILY knows except for her!

    1. I am hoping the Kaylee/Alec thing happens. Could be fun.

      And Kaylee should be the one to tell Sophie, or at least be the one pushing for her to know. She was kept in the dark so she knows how it feels!


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