
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Secret Santa 2012 - Sign ups!

Sign ups for the

2012 Secret Santa book exchange!

Hello everyone! And welcome to the first Secret Santa! Brought to you by Christen @ Goldilox and the Three Weres (that's me!) and Jen @ The Book Nympho.

You do not have to be a blogger to be part of the fun. You just have to follow the rules!

The Rules: 

Each Santa will link to at least one wish list whether it be Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, etc. Names will be thrown in a virtual hat and drawn so that each person will have a Secret Santa who will give them a book(s) from their wish list and a person for whom YOU will buy a book(s). They will not be the same person (what would be the fun in that!?) This way everyone will GIVE and GET book(s).

Please read the rules below. 
They are pretty standard rules for a book exchange, but make sure to read over them so you’re aware!

  • International participants are welcome, too, anywhere that the Book Depository ships.
  • If you do not have a wish list you will need to create one to link in the form that you will fill out below.
  • To become a Santa (and Santee), you must fill out the form at the end of the post
  • Your Secret Santa will chose a book or books from your wish list for a total of around $18-20 (Remember that the Book Depository has free shipping and ebooks are sometimes cheaper than paper. So if you have a Kindle or Nook you might check that as your preferred format. Who knows, your Santa might get you more books if they are cheaper.)
  • Once Santas and Santees are assigned, addresses and wish list links will be emailed out. If you're not comfortable with this, please do not sign up. After all this is SECRET Santa. You will not know who your Santa is until you get your books.
  • If your Santee chooses ebook as their preferred format we will include their email address so you know where to send the ebooks to.
  • Signups begin on November 1st, and end on November 20th.

  • Book(s) need to be mailed (or emailed if an ebook) by December 10 at the latest.
  • To make sure everyone is following the rules and sending their Santee books there will be another form included in the email with your Santee info that you MUST fill out with order tracking info; those that do not will not be allowed to participate next year. It’s not fair to the ones that sent books and it would suck if someone didn’t get book(s).
  • The last question on the form is not mandatory but the elves at Secret Santa's workshop will be checking the list and someone could get something special in their stocking if they are picked by spreading the word.

If you are a blogger please help spread the word by grabbing the button above and putting it on your side bar!

If you are not a blogger you can still help by Tweeting about the event or posting on Facebook. The more Santas we get to sign up the more fun!



  1. So great idea!!!! Thank you very much!
    I signed up the form, but I forgot to put the country when I wrote the address. It's France by the way.

  2. Awesome idea, Ladies! Thanks so much for hosting! =D

  3. Great idea! I love participating in book exchanges! YAY!


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