
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Karen Marie Moning Signing + Signed Copy of ICED Giveaway!

Hello fellow book lovers! 
I had a fun day this past week that I am excited to share with you all - 

I went to the Karen Marie Moning book signing in Sarasota, Florida and met the lady herself!

My BFF and fellow Fever series fan, Alicia, and I drove roughly an hour and a half from where we live to get to the signing. Then we waited in line for well over an hour, but it was well worth it!

Here we are waiting in line:

When we finally got up to the table I got a tad bit nervous! After all, these authors whose books we adore are like celebrities! But Karen was incredibly nice. Here I am looking very overly excited with Karen Marie Moning:

Here is some info we found out from Karen during the signing:

  • All three Dani books will come out, and then we will get two more Mac and Barrons books
  • Karen wrote Dani with such a strong personality in the Fever series books because she was only in them a little of the time so she really wanted to make Dani's personality "punch". In Dani's trilogy, she pulled back on her personality a little because we were going to be reading from her point of view for quite a lot of the trilogy and it wasn't necessary to make her so extreme. This is good news for all who were worried about being annoyed by Dani in this spinoff series!
  • Karen has often talked about how the entire plot for the Fever series came from a dream she had that pretty much laid out the series. I asked if the plot for Iced and the other Dani books were part of that dream. Nope! This trilogy and the two Mac and Barrons books were not a part of the original plan. But Karen did say that at about halfway through writing book three in the Fever series she had started to plan out the Dani books.

Now enter to win your very own hardcover copy of ICED, signed by KMM herself!

To enter, you must be 13 or older. This giveaway is US/Can only.

Contest ends Saturday, November 10 at 11:59 pm.

For this giveaway I want to do something special. To enter, you will answer the following ten trivia questions about the Fever series! In oder to win, you must have at least 8/10 questions answered correctly. Good luck!


  1. Glad spelling doesn't count because I have been listening on audio, and have no clue how anything is spelled. :-)

  2. That was fun! Thanks for the unique giveaway :) I'm so stealing this idea someday ;)

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! I agree with Underworld Love Addiction, very unique idea for the giveaway....even though I was kinda rusty on my memory of the Fever books lol.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway!!! I loved the idea of trivia questions! *fingers crossed*

  5. FABULOUS GIVEAWAY! Thank you so much! I would do a little dance if I won!!!

  6. Whoops, hit enter long before I was done :(

  7. I hope I answered them correctly. Crossing my fingers and toes. How lucky that you got to meet KMM. Thanks for this great giveaway!
    -Maritza R

  8. This was so fun! I think I got 2 answers wrong LOL. Lucky girl getting to meet KMM!


  9. What a lucky girl you are to go to the KMM signing!!! Keeping my fingers crossed on this one!

    Thanks so much!

  10. SO JEALOUS!! I wanted to go to that so damn bad, but alas, I'm stuck here in stupid Ohio. The most upsetting part is, I'll be in FL in 2 weeks. I missed her by a few weeks. :(
    The Fever series are the best books I've EVER read, hands down, and I love KMM's writing!
    The trivia was really fun, great idea! I think I did awesome except for one question, because it's been so long since I read the first few books. Thanks :D


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