
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cover Lover - Binding the Shadows, Heart of Iron, and Biting Bad


Check out recent cover releases below!

Binding the Shadows
(Arcadia Bell #3)
Jenn Bennett
Release: May 28, 2013

Heart of Iron
(London Steampunk #2)
Bec McMaster
Release: May 7, 2013

Biting Bad
(Chicagoland Vampires #8)
Chloe Neill
Release: August 6, 2013
Goodreads   Amazon

What do you think of these covers? 
Leave your opinion in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. I think Biting Bad is my fav cover in the series. Chicago is almost like a character that its nice to see it featured so much in the cover art.


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