
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

OCNB Author Feature and Giveaway - Cynthia Eden

Don't miss your chance to meet author Cynthia Eden at the Olde City, New Blood mini-convention in St. Augustine, FL this coming February 8-10th!

Need MORE of an incentive to come chill out with some awesome authors by the beach?? 
How about if you win FREE REGISTRATION?? 

That's right... this week we're having a blog-hop-style contest and you could win your way in!! 

There will be 3 winners, who will be chosen randomly from all entries on the Rafflecopter form, announced on October 7th. 
(Winners will be responsible for their travel and hotel costs, but their registration fees will be covered by the mini-con!!) 
All of the featured bloggers for the event will be hosting special guests from Olde City, New Blood this week (September 30th – October 6th) and every post is another chance for you to enter to win. There will be additional chances to enter at some of the featured authors' websites, as well. 

For a complete list of blog posts and extra author entries, please see the link list on the convention website:
Contest Links

And now for today's OCNB Featured Author:
Cynthia Eden

Paranormal romance extraordinaire, Cynthia Eden, is joining me here today! Eden write MANY wonderful series, one of which is The Fallen.

Read on:
  • to find out how Cynthia feels about this time of year 
  • for a chance to win an advance copy of ANGEL IN CHAINS, book three in The Fallen series (leave a comment)
  • PLUS a chance to win registration to the Olde City New Blood convention in St. Augustine, Florida! (Rafflecopter)

Hi, everyone! It is a pleasure to be here at Goldilox and the Three Weres! 

Fall is finally here, and I’m so excited that I just can’t stand it. I love when the leaves change colors, then scary pumpkins start to appear on doorsteps—and when the ghost stories start to be whispered at night. I’m a sucker for a good ghost story. ;) 

Maybe that is why I write paranormal romances. Vampires, demons, shifters—and even fallen angels—all find their way into my books. I so enjoy thinking that there is more to this world than meets the eye. 

And, in the Fall, it seems like everyone starts to enjoy the paranormal a bit more. We put on costumes, pretend to be mummies or zombies or werewolves—and we have fun. 

Ah, the Halloween spirit. Combine that Halloween merriment with some tasty candy, and, well, you sure do have a great time! 

What’s your favorite part of Fall? Is there a special Halloween tradition that you’d like to share? One random commenter will be selected to win an Advanced Reader’s Copy of my December release, ANGEL IN CHAINS. 

Here’s the blurb for the book (so you know what you’ll be getting!): 

As a fallen Angel of Death, Azrael is cursed to walk the earth alone in search of redemption. One night, as he wanders the streets of New Orleans, he discovers a woman surrounded by panther shifters. No longer able to contain the anger simmering within, Az summons his dark powers and attacks, determined to protect this innocent human from certain death. 

Only Jade Pierce is no delicate flower. She’s spent years learning to survive and fight the evil forces sent by her ex-lover who refuses to let her go. But after seeing Az in action, she figures she could use a little supernatural help. And so she plans a course of seduction guaranteed to arouse his interest and his angelic passions… 

Happy Haunting! 
Cynthia Eden 

ANGEL IN CHAINS—Available November 27, 2012 from Kensington Brava

Leave a comment below for Cynthia Eden to read! Everyone who comments will be entered to win an advance copy of ANGEL IN CHAINS (US only please).

After commenting, enter on the Rafflecopter form to win free registration to the Olde City New Blood convention in St. Augustine, Florida!

*Please note: To win the copy of ANGEL IN CHAINS you must leave a comment in the blog comments section below. 
To enter to win the free registration you must enter on the Rafflecopter form. 
They are TWO separate contests!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I freaking love Cynthia Eden. I have read 6 books of hers and they are all awesome! I can't wait to read more. Great Giveaway!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would love Angel in Chains! I am a huge Cynthia Eden fan! She is one of my must buy all of her series because they are all amazing!

    Thanks so much!

  4. Such beautiful covers. I am such a cover 'ho. Thank you for the opportunity to win an ARC of Angel in Chains.

  5. Sounds like fun, I think its a bit too far though. :(

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  6. Angel In Chains sounds like an awesome read!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  7. Since I'm from a warm climate (Florida), my favorite part of Fall (aside from Halloween) is the somewhat cooler weather. It's nice to get to wear a sweater once in a while. :D My Halloween tradition is handing out tons of candy. My neighborhood is very popular, kids are driven in from all over town and dropped off, I guess that means it's a safe neighborhood. :D I usually get a head start on my pumpkin pie, which I get instead of birthday cake (my birthday is the next day). It's my favorite dessert, and I'd rather have that than the Halloween candy.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  8. Oh I love the fall too! I have a real thing for pumpkins. I always have a handful of them on the stoop but never seem to get around to carving them.

    Can't wait until the con :)


  9. I'd love to win this one. I have the first book in the series and I'll get the second. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  10. Another great giveaway! I can't wait for this event!! Eekkk!! :-)

  11. We don't have any Halloween traditions at this time, but I love dressing up. My son is 2 so I will be starting to trick or treat with him which is awesome.

    You story looks interesting. I have only read a handful of stories on angels. What makes your angels different from other authors?

  12. I love this series. Cynthia's books are SO good. Thank you for the giveaway.

  13. I haven't read these books yet - would love to be in the running to win them!

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com


I love to read comments!