
Monday, October 1, 2012

OCNB Author Feature and Giveaway - Sable Grace

Don't miss your chance to meet author Sable Grace at the Olde City, New Blood mini-convention in St. Augustine, FL this coming February 8-10th!

Need MORE of an incentive to come chill out with some awesome authors by the beach?? 
How about if you win FREE REGISTRATION?? 

That's right... this week we're having a blog-hop-style contest and you could win your way in!! 

There will be 3 winners, who will be chosen randomly from all entries on the Rafflecopter form, announced on October 7th. 
(Winners will be responsible for their travel and hotel costs, but their registration fees will be covered by the mini-con!!) 
All of the featured bloggers for the event will be hosting special guests from Olde City, New Blood this week (September 30th – October 6th) and every post is another chance for you to enter to win. There will be additional chances to enter at some of the featured authors' websites, as well.
For a complete list of blog posts and extra author entries, please see the link list on the convention website:
Contest Links 

And now for today's OCNB Featured Author:
Sable Grace
Ascension (Dark Breed, #1) Bedeviled (Dark Breed #2) Chosen (Dark Breed, #3)

I'm excited to have Sable Grace here with me today! Sable Grace is the author of the urban fantasy romance series, Dark Breed.

Read on for:

  • my interview with Sable Grace
  • a chance to win one of the books in the Dark Breed series (leave a comment)
  • PLUS a chance to win registration to the Olde City New Blood convention in St. Augustine, Florida! (on the Rafflecopter)

About the author(s)
1. Some people might not realize this, but Sable Grace is actually two authors. Tell us how you came to be 'one person'. We've been friends and critique partners for years and found by accident that our voices blended rather well together during a writing experiment. From there, we just decided to play and luckily, our agent liked the voice and so did Avon.

2. And where did the name, Sable Grace, come from? Sable was a no-brainer. It was the first heroine I (Heather) ever wrote and I've been in love with that name ever since. Because Laura and I are so different, opposites really, we tried to think of what might be the opposite of Sable. Grace sounded nice and light and good in comparison and we liked the ring of the two names together.

3. Do you think it's more or less difficult to create a book together than it is for one author? Both. Some aspects are easier. . .like filling a blank page. But the details like names, plot, ideas, schedules, work ethics -- that's where it becomes difficult. We have to be cohesive, which isn't always easy.

About the books
4. Your Dark Breed series has a lot of the paranormal creatures we know and love. How would you describe the world you created for the series? I suppose it's easiest to say simply that Hell opened it's mouth and vomited a lot of dark and scaries into our world. Some of them have been around, in secret, forever, but others are seeing their first glimpses of earth in centuries. It's a tiered world. Starting with the ancient gods and ending with scum like zombies and ghouls. There's a place for everyone, but sadly, humans fell off the top rung of the food chain and didn't see it coming.

5. Describe Kyana, the heroine from the Dark Breed series, in ten words or less.
Loyal, kick ass, smart mouthed, cut throat, and pissed off.

Fast Five
Favorite guilty pleasure: Heather - gummy anything. I don't have much of a sweet tooth but those are hard to resist. Laura: soaking in my hot tub.

Favorite book or series: Heather - Harry Potter. Forever. Laura: The Stand by Stephen King

Other author you'd most like to meet: Heather - I would say Julie Garwood but since I had the pleasure of meeting her, it has to be J.K. Rowling. Laura: Stephen King

Junk food that you succumb to the most: Heather - Pringles. Original flavor. Laura: Salt and Vinegar potato chips

Favorite food to cook: Heather - Anything! I don't bake much, but I love to cook. It's a passion. Laura: Chicken. Any way you want it.

Thank you so much to Heather and Laura, a.k.a. Sable Grace, for being here today! Now to give something away!

Leave a comment below for Sable Grace to read! Everyone who comments will be entered to win one of the books in the Dark Breed series (US only please).

After commenting, enter on the Rafflecopter form to win free registration to the Olde City New Blood convention in St. Augustine, Florida!

*Please note: To win a book in the Dark Breed series you must leave a comment in the blog comments section below. 
To enter to win the free registration you must enter on the Rafflecopter form. 
They are TWO separate contests!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Stephen King! Which really, how can he not be mentioned in any conversation? :)

  2. Stephen King. I have been wanting to read this series. Thanks for the chance to win a book in the series. jepebATverizonDOTnet

  3. What's your favorite paranormal creature/person?

  4. Julie Garwood is mentioned :) She's a wonderful author and I would like to chance to meet her one day. Lucky you!


  5. I have to read it now that Stephen King and Harry Potter were mentioned. You both have good taste!

    Look forward to hearing what the dual approach reads like!

  6. So fascinated that you write together. I have tried before with some of my CP's and it always failed miserably. Love your books!

  7. I read Ascension a few weeks ago and I really liked it. Good interview and I went back and added these to my tbr list.

  8. Julie Garwood. my mother wanted to write a book with me, but working with her or even having her read my writing of one would have been WAY too uncomfortable.

  9. Great interview! I can't wait to start this series! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  10. Wow that sounds ineresting

  11. I can't wait for the get together. Sable's a new one for me. Always fun to find new authors through the cons. And what a great name!


  12. Nice post ladies! I totally need to try these out also. So many books, so little time.
    -Jenese! :-)


I love to read comments!