
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Netgalley Knockout - Wrap Up Post

Well, Netgalley Knockout is now officially over! 
I didn't get to read as many of my e-galleys as I wanted, I never do, but I did alright. 
Here are the books I was able to read for this challenge:

1. Stormdaner (Lotus War #1) by Jay Kristoff
2. Daughter of the Sword (Fated Blades #1) by Steve Bein
3. Tarnished (St. Croix Chronicles #1) by Karina Cooper REVIEW
4. Death and the Girl Next Door (Darklight #1) by Darynda Jones
5. A Touch of Crimson (Renegade Angels #1) by Sylvia Day
6. Defiance (Defiance #1) by C.J. Redwine REVIEW
7. Kiss of Steel (London Steampunk #1) by Bec McMaster REVIEW
8. Blade Song (Colbana Files #1) by J.C. Daniels REVIEW

Thank you to everyone who participated in this challenge! This is the first challenge I've hosted that wrapped up and it was fun to see how everyone was doing throughout the challenge.
If you posted a wrap up please leave me the link in the comments and I'd love to check out what you read!


  1. That's quite a list of reads! Go you! A bunch of those are on my TBR list! :D Hope you review them!

  2. I only got 8 books done but that's good from me since I don't read a lot from Netgalley. Thanks for hosting. We should do this again sometime.

  3. I also read 8. I thought with the extension that I would easily reach the double digits. Oh well, maybe next time.

    Here's my list.

  4. Thanks for hosting this challenge, Christen! I got through 18 titles. Here's my wrap-up post!

  5. My wrap up post was slightly late but I got there at the end. I managed to reach double digits. I'm so proud of it it. LOL
    Here my post


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