
Saturday, February 11, 2012

In My Mailbox (21)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren

Here's what I got in my mailbox this week!


The Kingdom and The Prophet
(Graveyard Queen #2 & #3)
Amanda Stevens

These are both available on Netgalley right now! I haven't read the first one yet, but I've heard its an awesome creepy read with some good romantic tension. Anyone brave enough to buddy read........?


(Darkest London #1)
Kristen Callihan

Thank you to my good friend Miss Vain from Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy! I won a Kindle copy of Firelight from her and I've already started it - it's super awesome so far!


The Pledge
(The Pledge #1)
Kimberly Derting

Thank you so much to Danielle from Mercurial Musings! She sent me this for a February R.A.K.!


Brenna Yovanoff


(Mythos Academy #1)
Jennifer Estep

This is super cheap on Amazon right now - like 3 bucks or something! Go check it out if you haven't already.

Recent Reviews:
Kelly Keaton's Gods and Monsters series
Darkness Becomes Her - REVIEW HERE
A Beautiful Evil - REVIEW HERE

Things to Check Out:

Are you a fan of authors Stacia Kane (Downside series and Megan Chase series) and/or Stacey Jay (Annabelle Lee series, Megan Berry series, Juliet Immortal series)? 
Both of their next releases come out on the same day! In honor of their awesomeness, I am helping host a giveaway hop, check it out!

Join the 2012 Paranormal Fantasy Reading Challenge! 
Check it out and sign up 

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. The Restorer (first book in Graveyard Queen series) is so awesome. I got the 2nd and 3rd book too, can't wait to read them. Oh and Firelight is awesome!! Great books this week.

    1. Amber, if you want to read them sometime soon let me know! I need someone to hold my hand!!! Anyone else brave? :-p

    2. Its not that creepy. Trust me, im a are you going to read the first one first?

    3. Yes definitely!!! I can't read books out of order like that. After I read book one I'll check in and see if you're interested.

    4. Yes let me know when your done with the first and we can start the 2nd together. I am the same way I have to read them in order.

    5. Okay so The Restorer was Awesome! Scared me to death!!! I've already read The Kingdom & The Prophet.....I liked them but my favorite was The's spooky awesome!!;)

      Goldilox, glad you're loving Firelight!;)

      Oh and I love Mythos Academy series!;) (Part of my I <3 Mythology books)

  2. You had a good week of books coming in. I want Firelight. Enjoy your reading!

  3. Great books! I really want to read The Pledge and The Replacement. I also got Touch of Frost, can't wait to read it! Enjoy! =)

    -Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction

  4. Oh some amazing books! I love firelight, the kingdom and Touch of frost (yes, all of them!). I really need to read the Prophet, I just love the Amanda Stevens series. Enjoy!

  5. Firelight was FANTASTIC- I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! Have a great week!

  6. Some great looking books this week!
    Happy reading :)

  7. Great set! I really want to read The Replacement. I have it but haven't gotten to it yet.
    My IMM

  8. The Replacement was fantastic! Great post!

    My IMM

  9. I really really really want "The Pledge" and I've already bought the "Touch of Frost" aka Mythos Academy series (or the first three anyways) :). Great taste!

  10. I just have to say, I LOVE your blog. I've been reading reviews to get an idea of what is good and worth reading, and what is better left on the shelves. Thanks so much! You always have such good looking books in your mailbox! I wish my mailbox was half that good looking!

    You've been TAGGED!


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