
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Follow Friday (23)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read


I would love it if you guys would join my Linky Followers list. It looks so lonely over there........

Here is this week's question:

I like unique names for characters and am looking forward to coming up with some when I start writing. What’s the most unique character name you’ve come across?

Oooooh good question! Can't wait to see everybody's responses on this one!
The first name that popped into my head was Faythe, from the Shifters series. Not because it is unusual but because it is spelled so oddly.
Eugenie from Richelle Mead's Dark Swan series also comes to mind. I mean seriously........Eugenie! Umm, and how could we forget Sookie? Sookie! What, did Charlaine Harris sneeze and say, "Yes, that would make a good name for my main character"?
And finally, the one that takes the cake - Renesme. Enough said........

Last week when I was the feature I posted some sexy pictures as a thank you to all my followers and blogger friends. They were SUCH a hit that I thought I would include some more this week!

For your viewing pleasure:

Check out what's going on:

Are you a fan of authors Stacia Kane and/or Stacey Jay? 
Both of their next releases come out on the same day! 
In honor of their awesomeness, I am helping host a giveaway hop, check it out:

Also, check out my reading challenge for 2012 and join:

Happy Friday everyone!



  1. Good post, Christen! I didn't even THINK about Sookie and that's pretty unique.

  2. I liked the way Faythe was spelled. It was definitely different and unique even if she pissed me off half the time! Haha! ;)

  3. Okay so, we're you the only one that got the FF memo staring to put sexy beef cake men on your post??? I thought the question was about Names?? But feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Goldikox!!! ;)

    1. Ha! Well the man pics were so popular last week that I thought I would try to include some every week. I mean, we're supposed to celebrate on Fridays after all. ;)

    2. Haha!! You know I love the man candy!;)

      I'm going to watch VD tomorrow!! Since I'm read Terrible now, and falling asleep!;)

  4. I love Damon!!!

    Following you both on GFC & Linky -- Courtesy of FF

  5. Hi.. A new follower from Feature & Follow! I like your choices. Here is my Feature & Follow. I would love, if you could follow my blog.

    Vidya @ Books Are Magic

  6. Renesmee is my pick too. And can't believe I haven't thought of Sookie!

    Don't forget to enter my international giveaways!
    The New Death and Others eBook Giveaway
    Fractured Light eBook Giveaway

    Jez@Jez's Bookcase

  7. Wow, sounds like we read all the same books. I can't believe I forgot Sookie. That's is the craziest name on the planet! Anyway, happy #ff, I'm a new follower so here's mine

  8. I agree that uniquely spelled names stick out to me--but that may be because my parents spelled my name unusually so I am forever spelling my name to people. :)


  9. Hehehehe, Sookie is definitely a unique name ;)

    My #FF

  10. Just blogging by, happy Friday!

  11. I love me some vampire Diaries!

    New follower here! Thanks for the drool!

  12. Those are some awesome names! I LOVE unique character names!

    Have a FABULOUS Friday!!!! :D


  13. Everyone is naming Renesme. I haven't read Twilight. I like seeing everyone's answers as well.
    My FF Post
    And don't forget to enter to win a Kindle Fire. My Hottest Boys in Books giveaway ends tonight at midnight!

  14. Wow, I don't know how Sookie escaped my mind. She is definitely a unique name, and I completely should have thought of it what with my love of True Blood *shakes head* Oh, and love the random hunks that grace this post ;)

    Old Follower,
    Danielle @ Novelly Antithetial

  15. I forgot about Sookie! Wonder where Charlaine got that one? Great answer!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairytale Reviews

  16. Isn't Eugenie the name of one of Sarah Ferguson's daughters - of the Royal family folks? Renesme and Sookie I have seen several times as answers to this.

    As usual, I am still playing catch up on Saturday. Friday was only enough time to do the twitter and FB follow, and set up the linky on my blog. Sigh! I'm so slow.

    I finally chose a good name from my reading, but you'll have to visit me to find out what it is. I'm an old follower, just dropping by to say Happy Friday (and Saturday) follow.

  17. I love the unique spelling of "faith" being Faythe. lol. It's funny that everyone is mentioning Renessme, I hated that name, but it is definitely unique. Great answers, just hopping through. :)

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    Don't forget to enter my DRAGONSWOOD GIVEAWAY!
    Follow Friday Hops!
    H A P P Y R E A D I N G & H O P P I N G

  18. Great feature :) New follower here :)


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