
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Follow Friday (22) - I'm the Feature!

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Before I share this week's question, let me first tell you all how excited I am to be one of this week's featured blogs! Parajunkee's and Alison Can Read's Feature and Follow Friday has been so fun to participate in since I started my blog back in July - I have gained followers and made some awesome blogger friends!

In honor of all my followers and blogger friends, I have compiled a collection of some of my favorite sexy men for your viewing pleasure:


Here is this week's question:

What would you prefer: reading your favorite book over and over again until you got sick of it OR reading 100s of mediocre books? And why?

Why would anyone want to read hundreds of mediocre books? WHY? I would most definitely reread my favorite book over and over again. My favorites are my favorites for a reason! And which book would I reread until I was blue in the face? that's actually a tough question. Of course I can't pick just one. Here are my finalists:

All of these books are well-written, mysterious, have a steamy, slow-building romance, have an awesome heroine, and have a sexy hero! I could read any of these over and over again!

So, what's your answer?

Check out what's going on:

Are you a fan of authors Stacia Kane (Downside series and Megan Chase series) and/or Stacey Jay (Annabelle Lee series, Megan Berry series, Juliet Immortal series)? Both of their next releases come out on the same day! In honor of their awesomeness, I am helping host a giveaway hop, check it out:

Stacia and Stacey Giveaway Hop: Sign-up!

Also, check out my reading challenge for 2012 and join:

Happy Friday everyone!
Sign up to participate in the hop RIGHT HERE!


  1. I know what you mean I have so many favorites its hard to choose(:

    Old Follower

    My FF

  2. Congratulations on being the feature this week! I have a lot of favorites, too! It's so hard to choose between all the books that are really good out there.

    New follower!

  3. Hopping by for FF!! Congrats on being featured. :)

    Old Follower!

  4. Love the sexy men!! Extremely pleased to see Shadowfever on that list, the books in that series are my all time favorite books, and the ones that I'd choose to read over and over again. New follower, love your blog :)
    My Friday hops

  5. Hey, congrats on the feature! Old follower hopping through!!!

  6. Congrats om being the feature blog this week..great post :)

  7. I agree with you 100%! Why would you wanna read bad books??? Favorites are favorites for a reason!!! New Follower!


  8. I'd read my favorite book over and over and over!

    Old follower! Here's my Follow Friday Post.

    Happy weekend!
    -JoAnne @ The Fairytale Nerd

  9. I completely agree! Congrats on your feature! Here is my Follow Friday: Mom Reads My Books

  10. You dirty, naughty Terrible Girl you,,,,How dare you take photos of my men and post on your site! HAHA..

    Love the visuals!! :) I'll stick with mediocre to save myself from getting bored of my favorites!!!;)
    Congrats Goldilox!;)

  11. I admit that I really did not answer the question--because I cannot imagine that in 100 books I would think they are all mediocre?


  12. Oh pretty!

    Hm. I think if I could read all of my favorite books I would be good with that option :) Love Frost, Crane and Moning too. Such good books!

    Here's mine Herding Cats & Burning Soup

  13. Happy Follow Friday! Congratulations on being a featured blog. I'm an old follower.

  14. Congrats on the feature. I am a new follower. I would hate to get sick of my fav book, that's why I'd choose 100s of average books.

    My Follow Friday

  15. Congrats! I Personally would choose the 100s of mediocre books, just because I'm picky. haha. New follower! :D

    My Follow Friday

  16. Hawt guys! Congrats on the feature!

    I would reread my faves too. There are reasons why they still are favorites after lots of rereading.

    P.S I love your header!

    Don't forget to enter my giveaway, both are international!
    The New Death eBook Giveaway
    Fractured Light eBook Giveaway

  17. First, love the pictures. New follower! and I would read ShadowFever again and again, except it just won't hold the same mystery for me anymore now that I know what's going to happen. I don't WANT to read mediocre books, but they're a necessity to discovering new books.

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

    P.S. Remember to enter my blogoversary giveaway!

  18. Hi! I'm a new follower. First of all congrats on being featured this week.
    Second of all, I LOVE the pictures of the hot guys you posted! (:
    Check out my FF.
    Tabitha @ Tabitha's Book Blog

  19. Congrats on being Featured!!!! The trick is choosing ONE book!!! yikes!! :-) But, I totally agree.

    My FF: Colorimetry

  20. Grats on being featured. I wish I could reread my favorites. For some reason I just don't like rereading books. But I would reread HP if I had time too. Great answer. Old Follower. =]
    Here is My Follow Friday

  21. New follower! Thanks for including the photos. Such a nice way to spend the evening.

  22. I love your answer you're right, I agree too!

    old follower

    mine is here

  23. I'd go stir crazy with just one book to read over and over. I'd totally take the 100s of mediocre and then re-write them. Keep my creative juices flowing, and I won't ever get bored!

    New follower :)

  24. Great answer! I totally agree with you! Oh and congrats on the feature! How exciting! *Old Follower*
    My FF

  25. Oh boy. Shadowfever. I would pick the Fever and BDB series and read them over and over and over until I died a painful but happy death.

    Congrats on the feature. I'm a new follower.

    My Follow Friday

  26. Following you Courtesy of Feature & Follow!

  27. *gasp* whenever I see the cover of Shadowfever I'm in a happy place!!! Great choice of favorite books you have, some are new and I need to check out!
    Happy Friday!

  28. Oooh looking at all those hot men really made my day!

    My FF

  29. I totally agree with your answer!
    I'm a new follower!
    Congrats on the feature and happy friday =)

  30. Congrats on the feature!

    New follower

  31. I guess we wouldn't have found our favourites if we didn't read some mediocre books alongside. Still, I'd go for my favourites.

    New follower her! :)

    Happy Friday!

  32. Oh, you have some really nice favorites there!
    I'm a follower. :)

  33. You kill me with the sexy men! In a good way of course. Never a bad thing to wake up to in the morning!! New follower :) Happy Friday!

    My Blog

  34. You just made my Friday, even so much better. Thank you for the SEXY Eye Candy. I love every single one of those handsome guys.

    My answer was to read my favorite book over and over again. I learn something new about my favorite book every time I read it. Lover Avenged is a definite re-read for me. =)

    New Follower. =)


    Check out our FF:

  35. Yeah! Congrats on the feature! Thanks for the wonderful man candy...great way to wake up on a Friday morning! I agree about wanting to re-read my favorites...there favs for a reason!

    Old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairytale Reviews

  36. I sort of agree, but why would you want to get sick of your favorites? :P

    New follower!
    Bri @ Kindling the Fire
    My FF!

  37. I'm the opposite. I'd hate to get sick of all my favourites. Like the pictures by the way! New follower!

    Here's mine: My FF

  38. I'm not a huge fan of mediocre books, but I can't pick a favorite book, so I went with volume of quality.

    Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds).

  39. Eric and Damon! Yummy~
    Thanks for sharing!
    Oh, I loved The Disillusionists Trilogy :) Gonna check out the other books too.

  40. Congrats on your feature! I'm a new follower.

    And thank YOU for the yummy picture of David Boreanaz to brighten my day! heh.

    My FF!

  41. Congrats on the feature! I'm already a follower but love visiting your site. My FF

  42. New follower. Love your compilation of hot guys.

  43. I was so distracted by the gorgeous men... solid choices btw. That is until I spotted your favorite books, which looks very similar to my own! Love, love, LOVE Nighthuntress and Darkfever. Done! I am now following you.

    New follower!

  44. I just love love love your blog!! New follower here! Congrats on being the feature for the week!!! Love the sexy and ultimately steamy hot men you have there...I really love Jeaniene Frost and Karen Marie Moning!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  45. I couldn't agree with you more. Why would I want to read a ton of mediocre books knowing that is as good as they will ever get? No point in that. Congratulations on the feature this week! New follower. Have a great weekend!

    Kendra @ Reader's Edyn

  46. I totally agree with you! Why read Mediocre when you can have great! Congratulations on being the feature!!

    Old Follower

  47. I also would not be able to read 100 mediocre books - such a waste of time! :()

    New follower, check me out at:

  48. your blog look is awesome. congrats on the feature. new follower.

  49. Heres my ff.

  50. I like your taste in men :) I'm a new follower. My ff is

  51. Hopping through. Congrats on being the feature! Love the Fever series.
    My Hop

  52. I'm Jess. New Follower for Feature & Follow Hop. Congrats on the feature, at great pics.

    My FF post

  53. Definitely spot on answer. I'd rather reread than suffer from the hands or do I say pages of mediocre books. Congratulations on being featured! Have a nice weekend!

    PS I'm totally miffed that Chris Hemsworth (Thor) was not there but I think he's mine for a reason. Heh. ;)

    Old follower,
    Sarah @ Smitten over Books
    Here's my FF post.

  54. I really loved how honest your answer was. Far too many bloggers sugarcoat their reviews and their answers to these types of questions. Even though I don't know you I'm proud of you.

    New follower!

    Here's my FF


I love to read comments!