
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (14) - Shadow Bound

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

(Unbound #2)
by Rachel Vincent
Release date: June 1, 2012

(from Goodreads)
If you live in the dark long enough, you begin to forget the light…

KORI DANIELS is a shadow-walker, able to travel instantly from one shadow to another. After weeks of confinement for betraying her boss, she’s ready to break free of the Tower syndicate for good. But Jake Tower has one final job for Kori, one chance to secure freedom for herself and her sister, Kenley, even if that means taking it from someone else…

The job? Recruit Ian Holt—or kill him.

Ian’s ability to manipulate the dark has drawn interest from every syndicate in the world, most notably an invitation from Jake Tower. Though he has no interest in organized crime, Ian accepts the invite, because he’s on a mission of his own. Ian has come to kill Tower’s top Binder: Kori’s little sister.

Amid the tangle of lies, an unexpected thread of truth connecting Ian and Kori comes to light. But with opposing goals, they’ll have to choose between love and liberty….
The first book in this series, Blood Bound, was literally one of THE BEST books I read in 2011 and I can't wait for the sequel to come out! This one will be about Kori, who played an important role in the first book but was only in the book for a little bit. I can't wait to find out more about her!

What is YOUR WoW pick?


  1. I love the cover for Shadow Bound! So pretty!! Great pick

  2. I vaguely remember seeing the cover for 'Bloodbound', but had not investigated the series. It sounds interesting.

    Thanks for the post!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Omg, yesssss! I'm in love with this cover! I can't wait to read this book. :) Here's mine:

  5. Ohhh, makes me even more excited to dive into Blood Bound! I'm SO excited to finally have a copy. Now I just need the time to devour it, cause I'm sure I will. Vincent's work is awesome!

    What I'm waiting on!

  6. I've heard great things about Bloodbound. This makes me want to read it!

    My WoW/Awesome Cover Reveal

  7. I love that cover so much! And Rachel Vincent's books are great, so I'm going to have to check that series out! Great pick!

    Here's my IMM!

  8. I haven't read any of Rachel Vincent's book but all her books look so good that I really need to give them a try! Thanks for stopping by my WOW! :)

  9. I love Rachel Vincent. I haven't read this series yet (though I plan to soon). Great pick.

  10. I really need to read Blood Bound so I can be ready for this one. Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW:

  11. Really excited for this one too!

    Did you change your blog around or am I imagining things?

  12. New follower :)

    Great pick and I love the cover! Rachel Vincent is such an amazing her books!

    Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

  13. Great WOW! I still have to read the first one but I'll most definitely be reading both of these. I hear amazing things about it. I just picked up Stray by Rachel Vincent so I'm going to read all those books first. But then I'll get to these.
    Thanks for visiting My WOW

  14. Eeek I so have to reach some or Rachel's books. Wow. I feel SO behind. Eek.

    Xpresso Reads

  15. Rachel Vincent is awesome! I haven't read the first in the series yet, but it looks great.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I'm not that fussed on the cover for Shadow Bound. It looks a bit too busy for me, hopefully by the time I get to read the first book "blood bound", the publishers will have another cover out by then. Great Waiting On Wednesday pick and thanks for stopping by my book blog.

    Natasha @ Paranormal Goddess Book Blog ★ Click Here To Check Out My Book Blog


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